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Dying Shadow

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Posts posted by Dying Shadow

  1. Ride with Me, Hutch and Chris on 129 and you'll have about the same experience as a track day. I love track days and do them every chance I get too but you are shorting yourself by skipping this trip for a track day. I understand your reasons and trying to better your skills after your mishap but its also all in the group you ride with. I watched your crash video and some of the other vids and the lines were all fucked up to begin with. That was part of the problem. Find a better group to ride with and follow their lines. You'll get that on the Gap with us. I would skip a free track day to pay for this trip no lie. You are cheating yourself.

    lol thanks when you guys go out let me know and ill try to learn from yall:bow:, also when i made the choice i gave up my vay-k at work :cry: also got a few other things going on that i gotta pay for right now that i didn't plan on. And how am i supposed to fallow yours and hutches lines when ill be a mile back :lol:. Thanks for the words tho man i like to hear what im doing wrong to improve no one has done that yet for me since i started riding except for a few small stuff and hear i thought my lines were ok. :D

  2. I can think of like 10 that I ride with just got done riding with 3 of them lol. But most don't like ridding around town shit gets boring going from light to light. If I do ride around town its usually at night other than that my ass heads to hocking and what not.

  3. So how bad were the other two injuries?

    Roley (dying Shadow) was telling me yesterday that someone got airlifted out? Who was that?

    I don't think it was true man a couple PEPs said some one did and other say no so idk.

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