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Dying Shadow

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Posts posted by Dying Shadow

  1. Its odd for me as I am technically in the SW region, but im in the top right on the line of the SW and central areas. Its closer for me to go to the IP meet up and then ride down with them. Ill be leaving my place around 745-8am, Its an hour ride down for me, plus Ill have to stop and get food on the way. Fat mans gotta eat

    Or you could ride down with me Karl and Geza from my place :)

  2. what is wrong with 555? It looks fun.

    Bad track record so far lol, ahhh Karl and ynot don't wanna ride it. Jackflash said there was all kinds of shit on it and I'm not wanting to putput at 10mph to be safe on it. Hell with it as long as I'm ridding I'm happy, I was pissed when I seen you rode urs in this morning lol

  3. Well do to most resent events me, kman, and ynot gonna do 93-50-681 till the turn to 7 then head back hit 56 from 93 and ride the usual 664,374 and what not back to the meet spot and meet u all there at the end off the day. Us 3 agree that 555 can go f*#k its self lol.

  4. Ah crap that really sucks ass!!!! I am not a fan of 555, so if it is on the Epic ride route I may be taking a detour. Time for you to get a new bike, had that been a Vstrom it would've barely been damaged. ;) GLAD YOU ARE OK!!!!!

    Yea I wanna give that road the middle finger next time I ride threw there, if I do again lol.

  5. I may open a thread on it tomorrow since I haven't received any feedback

    on the idea. We'll see if anyone has an interest. I'm not riding all the back

    from Newark unless there's a solid plan in place for Sunday.


    I'll ride with ya Sunday man.

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