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Dying Shadow

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Everything posted by Dying Shadow

  1. Small salty yogurt slinger
  2. Took advantage of the warm body
  3. Which resulted in a horrible
  4. You still in gunner? Looks like maybe 60+ tomorrow!!
  5. Damn gunner I wanted to see ya for a whoolie haha
  6. In a timely manner along with
  7. I'm riding Sunday man depends on what everyone what's to do k might just ride my usual route
  8. Hay man take me off the iron pony meet spot ill be living down near grove city by then and don't see riding up there and then back down I'll hop on with y'all on 33 if that's cool. I'll sit on an over pass and take a oic or video of ya going by then play catch-up.
  9. It will be now that Dave is comming:p
  10. Whoooooohooooo Dave is ah coming!!!!! Were all fucked haha
  11. Will have 2 if there's 10 people man just easyier to manage that way if ya wanna go fast u won't be sitting at a stop sign all day waiting. But we will wait for ya if your slower no problem there at all.
  12. Yea if it don't rain I could meet ya down there. But will be hitting 664 56 374 678 and etc. If not Sunday next weekend j might try the route that was posted on the epic ride to get a feel for it.
  13. Until the pigeon flew the coop
  14. Wow Alex turn a ride thread to a home improvement thread good job.
  15. Then scruit walks in to see
  16. I'll chat ya up when we meet for the ride sat.
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