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About gen4zx10r

  • Birthday 11/17/1977

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  • Vehicles(s)
    2011 ZX10R

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  1. good luck with your project! Remember even a wrecked zx10 is faster than a Honda!
  2. Great any help would be great Dyno Jet hold time is 171 minutes!
  3. I just recently installed a pcv and auto tuner; however, I can not get the pcv to recognize the auto tuner, the computer is not picking up any AFR's and I can not zero out the TPS or the gear indicator. Both the PCV and auto tuner power up any thoughts? I have double checked the wiring 3 times and the cam is installed into the extra port on the auto tuner.
  4. Sorry to hear that! Last weekend was a bad weekend to be on the roads cops out everywhere!
  5. Waste of money buy a bigger bike 1k+
  6. Sorry to hear that is happening, I agree that pulling him out of school will only add fuel to the fire. Why don't you take it up directly with the kids parents and circumvent the failing school system. If the meeting with the kids parents goes south just whip that kids fathers ass and tell the little shit he is next!
  7. I use Maxima chain wax on all of my bike it is by far the best
  8. Rt 60 is one of my favorites hope to see you out this summer Kawi all they way!!!
  9. Welcome, and nice looking bike
  10. Roley, I was referring to the bike in the picture.
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