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Everything posted by Duck

  1. Can't wait to ride... Winter kills me.
  2. After party sounds like a blast. I'll swing by!
  3. I'll be attending. Hope to see you guys there!
  4. Sweet. Every one on here seems pretty cool. Thanks for the worm welcome.
  5. Yes I lost my job and almost had to part with it. But lucky for me, things turned around.
  6. Hey guys my names Josh. Most people call me duck or ducky. I am currently riding a 2004 Buell Xb12R. My riding experience started at about age 10 with my first dirt bike and progressed up from there. I am 22 years old, with a combat deployment to Afghanistan under my belt. I'm not sure the average age of everyone, but I assure you I am unlike most 22 year olds. I hope to meet some of you at my local bar "buddy's", as I see some will be attending for an after party. Ride safe! --- I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=41.223484,-81.834916
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