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Posts posted by pista

  1. The price on the bike is $2900, pass or buy?

    Are parts easy to get? Is it pretty easy to work on this bike?

    Overall is near mint condition IMO

    For that money, you can't go wrong. Buy it!

    All kinds of used stuff for it available on fleebay. IMO, no harder to work on an SV than any other scoot...

  2. Thanks all! Last year I commuted to work and hardly rode for fun. There is a suspension/handling issue that needs to be fixed. After that, I can't wait for this riding season to begin...

    Hey, Hollywood, looks like there are a decent number of us v-twin Zuki riders out there. (TL, SV, DL) Gotta love it:bow:

  3. Welcome...Good choice on returning with a bike with just 2 holes. Those inline-4's are much too dangerous. I may get one when I get a little older though.

    2 holes is plenty fast for me! Love that v-twin growl and low rpm grunt. Now I just gotta make it a little more comfy...

  4. Hello all,

    I'm near Cleveland in Brooklyn and just got back into riding last year after a 30yr hiatus. That avatar pic is my wife on my 2003 SV1000S.

    Looking forward to meeting and riding with other OhioRiders. Steve

    ps: so I hear there are some gun nuts on here...count me in

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