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Everything posted by Yasser-Hanbali

  1. Its pretty cool but I'll like to see him race against another boosted car. He seems to only pick on NA cars.
  2. just stuck with the VF40 it has a tune and a full turbo back catless exhaust so its pretty quick.
  3. well its been a little while, the turbo was starting to go out so drew from slow motion and Patrick were busy swapping the turbo out. finally cleaned it up again and took some more pictures. http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0182-2.jpg http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0177-3.jpg http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0176-2.jpg http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0172-2.jpg http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0170-2.jpg http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0163-5.jpg http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0162-2.jpg http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0160-3.jpg http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0159-3.jpg http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0145-3.jpg
  4. ive never seen a person hack up so much shit so fast lol.
  5. yeah martin is hit and miss, he knows i played for Hilliard and most of the refs know that too so i always get called for stupid shit, for example i got a charging call when i had the puck and an older fellow who couldnt skate that well should of been in E league with no cage on caught my shoulder in his face :dumb: and i got called because i didnt fall and because i was bigger. once i finish with Army basic ill be super fit so i might have to bump up lol.
  6. yeah its fully up to the person doing the tape. it just sucks because ive worked so hard only to be told hey you gotta loose more because someone with a tape measure says im not able to join. o well looks like i have a long run in store for me tonight.
  7. finally a pair of automaker shoes i can wear since i love pumas and i have subies.
  8. well finally made it to MEPS only to be turned away said my BF% was 29 which is bull shit since i weighed 6 LBS less than when my recruiter taped me. also he taped me on exhale and with a loose tape. so now i have to loose more weight and go back in June. its quite the drag but im going to still go after it, my recruiter however was pissed because he knows i was below the tape and the kid behind me was same height weighed more and had a gut and was said to only be 21%. By the way when my recruiter checked me i was 21% and i have been doing nothing but eating lettuce and tuna time to get running harder than before.
  9. start playing the adult leagues. i played in highschool and currently play in D league i can play C but all my buddies play D so i play with them.
  10. its only gay if you make eye contact........
  11. lets see i have the officer Dick who bitches about my FD, the pussy hardcore bible thumpers right next to me then one more house over i have the family friends of officer Dick who relay all my doings to officer dick.
  12. the main reason i picked combat engineer is i want to actually do something in the Army and i like working with my hands....... and i cant lie my man instincts like big loud explosions :megusta:
  13. can i bring this to sawmill? this may keep the derps from drifting/driving stupid
  14. i know these were right after i washed her. Black on subies is one of my favorite because it sometimes looks green or dark purple with the right light but its a bitch to keep clean lol. ill have some nice pics for you tomorrow. it does have the stock wing but its hidden. while ive had a Few STI and love the way they drive the grown up in me loves a BPU Legacy GT. :masturboy:
  15. im 75% sure i will end up at FT. Jackson from what im told, i honestly would like to go somewhere hot so i loose the most weight and adapt better to the heat. i may have middle eastern/Dominican decent but i am an Ohio kid who hates really hot climate lol.
  16. Yasser-Hanbali


    home depot on sawmill road is where everyone meets, i usually get there early :fa: but around 10:30-11:00 CR guys usually show up.
  17. better to be a ricer than a hair dresser :gabe::lolguy:
  18. it will be at home depot tonight, mod list will be stated for those who care to know and when more pics are posted tomorrow.
  19. hmmmm but ive had 2 FD's one FC 2 legacy GT's countless WRX's lol :fuckyeah:
  20. well your ahead 2 to 1 you had your FD and GSXR first but i win in the legacy department :lolguy:
  21. and i will Joe, as you know i have the up most respect for you as a person and your service. you are one huge inspiration in why im joining along with you always coping the cars/bikes i have :lolguy: you know me as a person. and im willing to do everything even if it means my own ass to get something right.
  22. im a bit of a macgyver and good at fixing things. and generally can keep a cool head under pressure and in a high stress situation. this i think will for sure help me out.
  23. i only have a few pictures for today, but more will be uploaded tomorrow as i will be heading downtown! http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0144-2.jpg http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0143-2.jpg http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0139-3.jpg http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0137-2.jpg
  24. i love me some AR's but i already know to ones at basic wont shoot as good as my well cared for AR lol.
  25. my reason for joining its always something that ive had on my mind, when i came of age i put it aside for college. but the more i thought about it i feel that i have been so blessed with my life with my ability to travel the world play with cars and just live almost care free. i figured i enjoy all of this and why should people the same age as me give their lives for this country and i shouldnt have to serve at all. a lot of it is also the thought im the kind of person lives and earns, i would rather do my time in the military and hate it than never do it and wish i did.
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