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Everything posted by Yasser-Hanbali

  1. as the title states i need a used but in good shape stock turbo for a STI, i just bought one and the turbo seal is shot, its causing a batman style smoke screen :fuckyeah: LMK if you have one or have any leads to get one, i contacted slowmotion yesterday and have been waiting for a call back. they say they have some just not at the shop. I want to get this car back on the road ASAP. im not looking to spend a ton of money but willing to pay more for a good turbo.
  2. They are sensitive to heat because the coolant seals (like head gasket for rotary) is made of rubber and will fail with overheating and for your price range I can get you one tomorrow in white with tan leather interior 6spd. Pm me if your interested.
  3. Rx8's do come to the auctions quite often here in Columbus shoot me a pm ill find you one.
  4. I think you mean EGI relay lol but ATF also works if you get one ill gladly give it a once over for you!
  5. No no 15k in overnight parts from Japan!!:fuckyeah:
  6. If I had to pick out of the two Z06 gets my vote better to have to power and not use it then not have it and wish you did. Plus the Z06 with an exhaust sounds great. And IMO is the best looking version of the C6.
  7. This is true s2000's cost more though wile amazing to drive they have no space for anything. Don't get me wrong they are almost perfect FR car just not a very good everyday car. Unless it's a hard top I love me some hardtop s2k action :masturboy:
  8. Yes also forgot to add they dump fuel on cold starts to help heat the cats up if shut off before warm they will likely flood due to unburnt fuel sitting in the housings. And when started again they flood. Also speeding up the carbon build up process. But driving them hard is fun hitting 9k is a blast and IMO they sound great with an intake and catback
  9. I've seen plenty over 100k the problem is carbon build up. People babied them causing stuck seals. I've worked on some where people thought that had a blown motor. Where some marvels mystery oil and some redlining results in good compression
  10. Compression check compression check and compression check. NA rotaties can be very reliable just check for carbon build up. That will cause stuck seals and low to no compression. But over all rx8's are a blast to drive they are underpowered but really wake up in the corners I'm in the process of rebuilding my 04 right now bought it for 3k well worth it.
  11. Shoot me a pm I can find you something within a few days
  12. that's why you have to drink 2-4 a day they cancel out :lolguy: when my buddy worked for monster he would give me a mix of dented cans by the case load for free. at one point a couple years ago my fridge had over 200 monster cans in it :fuckyeah:
  13. Must get in on this just uploaded 1500 images yesterday!
  14. after that video i still would rather have the GT-R
  15. Yes the is250 is slow but they are comfy and the awd would make a great DD. Lmk if you need help finding one. I can save you tons of cash!
  16. id like to think that i can function pretty well with out some things. i enjoy being outside hunting, fishing, driving and such but to tell the truth i feel pretty naked when my phone is dead or not on me lol.
  17. I like these updates I'm at work ill 11 and the game not on TV or the radio
  18. :fuckyeah: the Steelers play good football I just hate all the bandwagon nut swinger fans. But who cares it's a who dey kind of day
  19. I thinks the Bengals will pull it off rennet this time we gave green back
  20. I must sell cars lots of cars and work a corner this body makes me :megusta::masturboy:
  21. Chris's FD makes me want to buy this! Quote to self though get to every meet and get my pics in next years calendar
  22. As stated if the bmv total is higher than what is on the car leave it alone otherwise its TMU
  23. Prince of Persia, Empire earth which i still play, Doom, command and conquer Red alert and Red alert 2. and all the old Rainbow Six games.
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