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Everything posted by Yasser-Hanbali

  1. well that just fucked the biggest RX-7 meet.
  2. yeah matt i saw it i was uber jealous due to how clean it was, did you finish your manual swap yet. also i heard you bought another FD project
  3. sounds great. any who i spotted a red FC with some chrome wheels going north on 270.. any clue who it is?
  4. i agree 110% just cant keep the cocks away when i take it out of the garage... i hate having to keep the windows up LMAO.
  5. also im surprised RX-7addict hasnt chimed in, just saw it today and it sounds great. it was hanging out at the RX7store with Zavier.
  6. not true i have a FC id let you rock if you put gas in it
  7. yeah V8 guys can come, we will just push them away like an unwanted bastard child. :cool: joking
  8. that probably would be a very smart choice. lol
  9. damnit Ricky you out of all people should know how to spell my name lol its all over PBnation and as far as Evo's go mehhhhh im an STI kind of guy i guess you can si i dont like conventional engines lol
  10. no problem, so im looking at maybe organizing a meet and cruise Rotary boys of course would anyone be interested?
  11. just to correct (Yasser) its okay it gets messed up all the time lol damn un common name. as for it being for sale im not allowed to sell it here
  12. im still here... have both the FC and FD. http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/FD%20tear%20down/_DSC0056.jpg?t=1268626275 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/FC%20RX-7/_DSC0007-1.jpg?t=1268626324 http://hphotos-snc1.fbcdn.net/hs006.snc1/2829_79632933769_799738769_1695534_5025449_n.jpg
  13. ill be going, generally Columbus does not get the best cars. but im hoping there will be a LFA there to take some pics of, also i like getting free stuff and for 8 bucks thats a deal.
  14. real or not if thats done on photoshop thats amazing.
  15. my buddy needs like 12 bottles of that stuff, that video was great.
  16. im not sure if it is but they tried to use it on me. :asshole:
  17. i hate the tint law and plate law i got stopped once for no tint back in the day on my Honda they said i had to peal it off or they would write me a huge ticket so i pealed it off. as for the RX-7 ive been pulled over for no front plate and they went into going as far as trying to give me a ticket for tinted tail lights but they are factory. if you know what your talking about cops have to leave you alone because they realize that their ass will get handed to them in court.
  18. sad thing is has Ohio plates on it, i bet it rolls into a cars and coffee event this year
  19. i bet those 3 new used tires are stick better than R compounds.
  20. this makes me jealous i want a scooby so bad for a DD, but i cant find any good deals. I just cant justify spending 6-9 grand on any 02 with the glass tranny and 120K+ miles.
  21. i would like to see it also its just the with this cold that we have been having that its going to take forever to melt, there was still snow outside my local Y from last snow storm on tuesday.
  22. were going so warm that were finally cooling down. Damn you Al Gore and you made up global warming :asshole: we need to drag his old ass out of Florida or where ever he is hiding and show him this shit.
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