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Everything posted by Yasser-Hanbali

  1. when it gets nice out im down for some friendly pulls, of course not in Columbus maybe in Mexico... lol
  2. who cares we know its fing sweet, and we all want one. lol
  3. not at the moment but im about halfway there, im totally rebuilding my FD so im saving close to 30K lol.
  4. mines all together because i have no reason to take it apart, lol i dont have tons of spare cash to mod with now im saving up for a nasty little 2 liter.
  5. i know this i meant in general for other people lol.
  6. have i thought about it yes, but i could never keep away from the HP, i would like to make my car more quite, but for now im fine with it i can deal with the noise as for going from a sports car to a cruising car no i could never do it. now give me the keys to an AMG like a C63, or a GT-R then yes i could step away for a little bit.
  7. i know the car. damn i was hoping it was a roller o well. back to topic then hahah lets see the hiding places of these cars.
  8. is that FD shell for sale in the background lol.
  9. you just made me cry a little. but its okay better a FB than an FD. and i know with that light of a chassis it will haul ass.
  10. never knew bikes were FWD. lol and is that a FB RX-7 i spot in that garage.
  11. as title says post them up show where your car is hiding from the snow and cold. the FD and the FC http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0133-2.jpg?t=1263430152
  12. stunning, just look at the curve, the RB26 is an amazing piece of engineering.
  13. but like they said even at the price toyota wont make a single cent.. they are actually loosing money on each car. i would love one but no way could afford one, but still its an amazing car none the less.
  14. no i would never. well if the cards would carry me everywhere or make 700HP then yes but until then ill stick to 4 wheels and an engine.
  15. damnit what am i going to do with my subaru Ken block Tee. time to box it up and wait 2 years and sell it for mucho LMAO. what is he going to drive a rally focus? IMO the sti is a way better platform. but you do what you gotta do for the love of the sport.
  16. exactly i might be doing a few AutoX with the 97 i have at home.
  17. also to mention that these cars have an amazing resale value. just look then up on auto trader, or ebay. the first gen's are pulling great money for what the car is. and i think its funny how the ones with less options EX(power windows,locks, mirrors, ect) sell for more. lol
  18. this is 100% true. sure its not the hey look at me im a manly man car but damn.. they are fun as hell to drive an almost bullet prof motor gets great gas mileage, handles like its on rails from factory. big aftermarket, a lot of forums for miata guys IMO its an amazing little AutoX or take on back country road car. i mean hell i have a 97 in the driveway and its a blast to drive.
  19. 20B E46 yes please. now how to make that engine street legal...
  20. at first i was like OKAY? then i was like WTF:confused: lmao
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