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Everything posted by Yasser-Hanbali

  1. May god be with us and keep the bad drivers inside. http://weather.cbs2chicago.com/data/640x480/2xmw_ir_anim.gif
  2. i hate driving the youkon that thing just loves gas. now if i could get my damn miata out of the driveway i would drive that gets like 35MPG
  3. does this come with a warning on how long it will shorten your life?
  4. a buddy of mine says we are suppose to get 8-17 inches from tomorrow night till Wed. i honestly dont want any more snow its a bitch to shovel lol.
  5. but the amount you would spend on fab work would sure be way more than a new motor.
  6. this is good for me one sold at auction a few weeks ago for 40k
  7. you ass. any way i believe that these recalls are getting annoying even though its honda and toyota i still believe they make great cars though.
  8. this song makes me laugh as i drive to Newark for classes every day, makes for some good 45+minute drives.
  9. shit sounds better that what i got. i think they look just fine
  10. says the guy who drive a car from a company that does not exist anymore. LOL and yes they are nice heads
  11. anything with Robin Williams is always a great watch.
  12. if there is a Keg at the end of the road count me in lol
  13. you have a snow storage fort. :bs: specs and size on it please
  14. meh i saw the preview i thought it was OK, but IMO the book of ELI is the movie to see as of now.
  15. thats some mighty expensive head. thank god rotaries dont have them =P
  16. i like the pics i was so tempted to take the FD out of hiding to take some pics but it was a little wet for my liking. lol maybe if it gets foggy today like the news lady said then ill go do it .
  17. BWHHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH this is great.
  18. one fat assed supra. http://hphotos-snc1.fbcdn.net/hs265.snc1/9227_1146395658589_1188461998_400396_1195231_n.jpg
  19. yeah it does a little bit but i dont think thats a bad thing.
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