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Posts posted by Timin8Tr

  1. I was assuming he died, I couldn't get the story to show up so I could read it, hut common sense tells me when you have a loaded gun in your mouth and pull the trigger someone is going to die 99.5% of the time.

    Proper safety measures would have prevented this though ;)

    Dude, do you ever read ANYTHING in its entirety before you reply?

  2. Congratulations! Your happy now, and it's only going to get better. I think what I like most about riding is the feeling of Freedom.

    Noted above, being aware of the surroundings is Very Important.

    Don't really remember my very first solo ride (over 20 yrs ago), but I do remember the parking lot practice, anyone can go straight and fast, it's going slow and manuveuring that takes practice. What I do remember most about the first season I rode was:

    The first time I went over 100mph! I couldn't wait to go to work and tell the older guy who rides a bike all about it. He listened to my story and said ...... Wow, what would you have done if a dog ran out in front of you? I had no answer. I think about this everytime I ride.

    I'm not saying don't go over 100, just saying know your bike.

  3. I don't use anything. The only time I notice fogging is at a stop, and I thought it was just my shield fogging? Maybe it is the glasses too, but once I start moving the fogging clears, opening a vent helps it clear faster.

  4. It was Awesome! Great weather, and tons of curves. I have never been on so many curves in 1 ride before, I'm a little wore out, but loved it. Will definately ride in that area again. Thanks Hutch.

  5. If I didn't already have plans tonight I woud love to go. You are heading right out my way. Maybe we can get together another time.

    The roads you listed are pretty straight. If you are looking for some curves stay on 204 past Millersport to Thorville and take 188 south (well I think it says west, turn right) back to 256. Smooth, curvy, and nice scenery. Should only add about 25 min's to your ride.

  6. I scored the Banner! Thanks IP and thanks OR, I was in today for some oil, and thought there was no way the banner was still there, But there was no line at the counter so I asked and then I received.

    Even though I don't ride a Yamaha, it will look sweet in my Garage.

  7. Hello, new member here, my name is Tim and I live SE of Columus in Pleasantville. I've been trolling the site for a while, ya'll seem like alot of fun! I ride an 85 Sabre 700 (little one), bought 2 yrs ago and have only put a few K miles on her. Looking to ride alot more this year just need more opportunities.

    Ok, this bitch is clean, and an Antique. I love her, she's my baby and never says no when I want to ride her.

    Not sure if pics were included, I will add pics to my album.

    Coudn't add to album, here is a link, Thanks for the help.


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