I work at dayton intl. Maybe it's not oxygen, but just helmets and goggles? You can see them sitting on the seats, they look like the masks you wear in a fighter
I can't believe they fly this fuckin thing. They sit in those two seats and steer with steering wheels. And they look like fighter pilots they have the full oxygen masks on. Interesting...
Well I ended up going a completely different direction, and got a summer conceal carry gun. Its a Taurus 738 tcp, on sale at Gander for $200. I'm a small guy and wanted something I will always carry when I can't fit the 9mm
Lol ya...wouldn't pay $500 for it. Didn't realize that the 10/22 was a basic rifle with the tacticool stock, I'm by no means knowledgable with a lot of guns. I'll see what I can find on armslist. Also, who is Dale?
Where did you get it from? That was the first price I saw when I googled it, I havet't searched after that because I'm at work. But for that price I can dig it.