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Everything posted by Hollywood33

  1. I have also heard that the whole tire removal thing ruining deals is bullshit. I've talked to someone who actually considered purchasing, and the real problem seems to be that the ownership just wants some ridiculously high price. Who knows what the truth is. But I do know that they are content just sitting back and collecting our money as the track goes to shit. Pisses me off. I love the layout there and I love just being at that track. But something has to change. They showed a complete lack of concern and respect for our club by not going out on Saturday evening and at least patching some of those holes so we could race safely. They've done that in the past, but they decided to say "fuck you guys" this time. I hate to say it but things are not changing for the better for Moto Series at the moment. I'll run this season to see if there's any improvement, and because I love the club and the guys that make it up, but I'll be re-evaluating my options at the end of the season.
  2. Yeah the track was fucked. But it was great being back at the track with all the moto series guys. I wasn't anywhere close to my fastest times there, but I took 4th in both 600 sprints in my first weekend as an expert. Pretty pleased overall. Hopefully they get the track fixed up and the weather warms up so we can all go fast again.
  3. Okay, the little winky face just makes it creepy, Jester. What the hell is wrong with you?
  4. I got enough meat to last you all weekend, Craigypoo.
  5. Damn, I didn't realize the 180/60 is freakin 15mm larger in diameter than the 180/55!
  6. Holy fuck, leave it to John to just take it to a whole new level! Hahahaha. Im standing in Boston Market literally laughing (and getting) so fucking hard right now! Wow.
  7. I'm gonna grease your bearings AND pump some through when I see you on Saturday, Ryan.
  8. Damn, Brando, you got a lot of shit done last night! Good work. Also, very glad to hear that we are still in possession of the little Asian's generator, good stuff. haha New number plates, brake pads, and rear sets on. New set of rain tires should be here tomorrow. Bodywork touched up as much as possible. Should be good to go!
  9. Dudes, I'm gonna stuff all you guys so hard.
  10. Hahaha, you are one sick bastard! And that's why I miss you so much. Speaking of Jennings, ask OSUYZFR1 about those dudes down there. Apparently if some roided out dickwad shows you a wheel you're supposed to give up the line to him.
  11. I'm pretty sure this was MCRA at Putnam.
  12. Proper etiquette is to find the guy in the pits after the incident, make sure he's ok, and apologize. If he tells you to get the fuck out of his sight, you get the fuck out of his sight. If he's not too crazy mad at you, you offer to drop what you're doing and help him fix his bike. This includes grabbing any parts that you have that might be needed to fix his bike. This is generally just what ive seen and my opinion. I have never seen anyone pay for, or offer to pay for, another guys damages. Its kind of just part of the risk we all take I guess. Luckily, I have yet to see a straight upfist fight because of something like this either... but I haven't been around THAT long and I'm sure it's happened at some point.
  13. To answer Tonik's question... what Craig said, plus if you're gonna go for a pass up the inside of someone, you better make damn sure you can get at least up along side him before he turns in so he knows you're there. Without mirrors that's all we have. As the passer, you have this responsibility, and you basically better have made your pass before the other guy hits the apex. Luckily the guys I race with are pretty damn good about this. There's only a select few who I feel a little sketchy about shooting up the inside of me and taking me out... the rest will have made their pass cleanly, or will be on the brakes in a controlled manner so that I never even knew they were there.
  14. You're ready, Jeff, you just need to wipe the sand out of your vagina and man up.
  15. It's a super secret code for racers... not sure if you should use it yet.
  16. I have a feeling you're probably in 44 territory in an Astars suit.
  17. Oh you dick smoker, Chuck. So I was debating whether to stay overnight on Saturday, but since Ron is cooking moose knuckles I think I'll stay. Pretty sure I can talk Brando into doing the same. I say we have a good ole, full on track weekend. I'll bring the lube for the noobs. Maybe I'll even smuggle Mambourg in as a special guest when you all are asleep.
  18. Hahahahahaha....haha haha. That is hilarious.
  19. It's on, boys!! 600 sprints and probably the mini 20 for me. Oh and Saturday for the OR TRAIN, motha lickas!
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