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Everything posted by abdecal

  1. Noticed bikes slow down very fast when you let off the throttle due to how they're geared. Do you flash your brake lights to cars even though you're not braking? This is probably taught at the MSF course but I have no idea. It seems like the logical thing to do.
  2. I think that's one I will need to remember. When you see a car is entering the roadway and you have the right of way to always make sure you plan what you will do if they were to pull out in front of you. This will probably be different than a car because for one... it will happen more often.. and 2.. in a car you don't have much room to avoid other than slamming on your brakes.
  3. ADVICE FOR NOOBS FROM EXPERIENCED RIDERS -Always respect your bike, Respect others around you, and ALWAYS be ready to react -Always watch for gravel in turns and intersections. -There is always more traction on the asphalt than in the grass. -Even if you think you're going to blow a turn, look where you want to go, and lean in. 90% of the time, you'll make it -Safest riding is as far away from cars as possible -No matter how weak or strong your horn is, use it often even when it really may not be called for -Watch for oil slicks at intersections -Always leave yourself an out -Never ever try to keep up with someone if you aren't 150% comfortable with the pace -Never go fast enough in a corner that you can't turn tighter in response to debris on the road -Don't tailgate. Just because the car in front of you didn't swerve, doesn't mean there's no obstruction -When you stop at an intersection behind a car favor one side not the center so you have an out if a car approaches from behind and doesn't see you -Just because there is a yellow line in the middle of the road doesn't mean an oncoming car wont cross it. -When riding in the country take extra care during the times when farmers plant and harvest their fields. -Try to avoid jabbing the brakes, squeeze them progressively harder and nice and steady they will stop that bike a lot faster than you think if you don't lock them up -If you find yourself on a dirt/gravel road or driveway avoid the front brake -Always assume you are invisible -Be sure to not get in anyone's blind spot -Stay in the car's tire tracks...it tends to be cleaner there -Take the MSF Course -Learn how to really relax on the bike. Drop your elbows & grip the bike with your legs. The bars are for control inputs only. If you are using the bars for anything else such as weight support it will cause you to make unintended control inputs -Eye contact with another driver in an intersection does NOT mean that they see you -If you ever get a tankslapper (where the bike is wobbling side to side and it feels like you're going to get thrown off like a bull). let off throttle and grab a handful of clutch. Touching brakes is going to send you over the edge, let the bike right itself. -ALWAYS ALWAYS make sure tire pressure is where it needs to be -Stay out of semi wake. its a scary place -Park it near the lane in a parking lot -In the left lane of the highway, stay on the right track. It puts you in mirrors better as you pass people. Right lane, left track -The tar strips are also commonly referred to as "road snakes", and they will give a LOT more than they appear to -Steel manhole covers can be slippery when dry. Same for steel plates over road construction -Wind is disconcerting, but you're not going to crash. Loosen up on the grip, let the bike sway, it's 95% the top of the bike moving while the wheels stay in one place tracking as they should -Watch for slower vehicles and know what they are doing before you make a move. -Leave it in gear at a stop. You don't want to grab the clutch and fumble for 1st. When sitting and the guy behind you isn't stopping. -If going on a group ride find out what is expected. And let it be known what you expect. Even if its only one other guy. -Practice your panic stops at the beginning of every season. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start of thread... I'm one that would rather learn from someone else's mistakes before having to learn from my own. Since I am a brand new rider I would like to hear some mistakes that you guys made and learned from. Some things I learned from driving (not riding) over the years... *When entering or leaving an intersection, if you're not sure you can make it... don't go. *Just because someone has their turn signal on, doesn't mean they are going to turn. *Always assume you are invisible. *If possible, watch what the driver is doing in the car that is entering the roadway. (This has saved me quite a few collisions) What I learned from riding the past couple of days... *When you think you know what you're doing, you don't. I'm really interested in hearing rider specific issues but all driving/riding lessons are welcome.
  4. Cool. Added you to contacts. A guy from work may come down Saturday to ride with me. I'll let you know.
  5. Large pothole on 75 south near downtown Dayton just past the Main St. Exit. It is a few inches deep. Between the Center and Left lane in the same place the lane turns due to construction. Stay right. Also, does anyone send these reports to the Cities? I know if you report them they will send someone out to patch them.
  6. Honestly... I love it. It's unique and definitely a head turner. I think people to often under value the work and passion (and money) that goes into making something your own. We see regular Chevy trucks all over the place and nobody pays any attention. No matter what your criticism is you know if you saw that thing pass you on the road you would wish you could take it for a spin. Great work and I like you made your vision for the truck a reality.
  7. abdecal


    http://www.turtlewax.com/detail-Super%20Hard%20Shell%20Paste%20Wax-42-45.aspx I use this on my car and it works great. I tried using it on the bike and had completely different results. After waxing off thoroughly and riding it I could see the white paste on the paint and just ended up using wax remover to get rid of it. I'm going to stop today and see if I can find something better for the bike. Is there a difference in paint between a car and a bike?
  8. I don't think the guys on sport bikes picking him up is for the intimidation factor but rather the cool factor. He would be the talk of the school among the other kids in an environment where popularity is all that matters. I was always among the popular kids in school and I was never bullied, they usually never are. I work about 20 minutes from Troy and I could meet up there during my lunch break or on a Friday. Not only do I think it will help with his bullying problems but it will leave him with a lasting memory and a lot of new friends.
  9. Cool. Thanks Snot

  10. Hey there. I'm right down the road from you. We definitely need to ride together sometime
  11. I'm 23. Not sure how to change the age in the User CP. Keep these first ride stories coming, I enjoy reading them.
  12. Yep! Gear is a must for me.
  13. Friday looks like it will be Sunny and mid 60's. I'm definitely down for some riding. :safemotorcycle:
  14. Wow. 120 on your first ride. I was gonna piss myself at 60,lol After about 5 miles I got much more comfortable but I'm still not completely comfortable with it.
  15. haha. There's a hill by my house that I thought nothing of until I went down it on the bike. It became the biggest hill I've ever seen.
  16. I couldn't be happier that I decided to get a motorcycle. After hours practicing maneuvering in a parking lot and in my neighborhood I finally took it out on the road with my brother following in the car behind me. Rode about 15 miles trying to avoid congested areas. A little scary going over 45mph but I imagine that's something you become comfortable with the more you ride. Do you guys remember your first ride? :zx10r:
  17. They changed the bike completely and changed the VIN in all of the paperwork. They said they are going to send the other bike back for warranty work. So I'm not really sure tbh.
  18. I've never had to file a claim but my Allstate agent does an awesome job. I got full coverage on my motorcycle for only $33 a month
  19. Rode it around the neighborhood today. An absolute blast!
  20. Great group of guys over there made the buying process easy. The bike they had on the floor had a broken speedometer/odometer so they fixed me up with a brand new one. I was promised to get it Thursday and they got it to me early in the afternoon. I even got my first service free for waiting a couple days. I will definitely buy from here again once I upgrade! 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250r
  21. Picked it up today! Thanks Middletown Cycle!
  22. Talked to Middletown Cycle today and was hoping to pick it up and they didn't have it yet . They did promise Wednesday or Thursday though so we'll see what happens tomorrow. When I talked to them today they said maybe not tomorrow but maybe Friday, Saturday, or Monday Kinda lame, I hate waiting.
  23. hey there Hellmutt. Thanks for the advice. I did not realize it was a 3 day course. As for decals, I mostly do one color decals. I do have a sublimation printer that allows me to do full color stickers but right now it is not working and I haven't got around to fixing it yet. Let me know what you need!
  24. I wish I could make it out to that one, I'll be at work
  25. Awesome. I'll give it a shot at the next training course. You are a wealth of information sir.
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