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Everything posted by abdecal

  1. http://www.abdecal.com/search.php?search_query=honda&x=0&y=0
  2. Poorly planned bank robbery, that's for sure.
  3. I wasn't able to find the design for that one that would be useable
  4. Hate to be a story topper buttt.... I was riding through the area when it happened. Got a pic of my bike with the bank in the background while it was being robbed... That's a cop car next to the blue sign. And an armored vehicle to the right of the sign with the gas prices. The cops made me move because we were in the line of fire. I stood with the newscasters for about an hour bs'ing with them.
  5. Everywhere I go it feels like I'm racing it
  6. Came across this today. http://www.lets-ride.com/event/ohio.htm Anyone attending some of these events?
  7. That's awesome NSB. I looked it up and it looks like it's going to be May 20th. Of course it's on a Sunday when I work a 12 hour shift in downtown Dayton.
  8. I like that pic a lot Quik. I was out of town all weekend. Hopefully the weather will be nice this week.
  9. Here's the way I take on every day... I found a long term goal that I want to achieve and every single day I work toward it or I have fun. Having fun is the only excuse I let myself have to not work toward it. No matter how little progress you make some days, even if you're just thinking about what the next step is, you aren't giving up. I will never be on my death bed and say I didn't try. Find joy in the journey, not the destination. Once you reach your goal, make another. The satisfaction and happiness comes from just doing it.
  10. Of course I check this thread at the gas station on my bike and there's a Cintas truck parked at Wendy's next door
  11. I changed it back. Let me know if anyone sees the problem come up again. I'm working on removing the $.50 shipping for people that order a regular decal as well as a free decal. The flat rate $1.99 shipping on the regular decal should cover shipping the free decals as well and it looks like it's adding the $.50 on top of the flat rate. For now though, if you are ordering decals on top of the free decals you can use coupon code "SHIPOR" and it will deduct $.50 from the shipping cost. Coupon code will only work if order minimum is $3.99 and only if you ordered OR decals as well. Coding can be a headache sometimes
  12. Awesome, looks like that fixed it. A few other orders for OR decals came in as well in the last few minutes
  13. No matter how hard you try, you can't please them all
  14. Should be fixed now. I made the product cost $.01 and shipping $.49
  15. You're awesome! Thanks! I figured it had something to do with it being Free.
  16. abdecal

    screw my boss

    "the bridges I burn light my way":rolleyes: Heard that somewhere
  17. I think I figured it out. It's acting funky because the product is free. I'm going to change the shipping to $.49 and the decal to $.01. Orders are still coming through fine for most people but hopefully that fixes it for the others.
  18. As requested I drew a motorcycle doing a wheelie on Alan's envelope. I cannot draw well.
  19. I agree with you. Sometimes my want exceeds my need lol. I am going to try to help him get the title though so he can sell it for more. I love a good mystery.
  20. Not necessarily. You can make a contract on purchase contingent on the first owner signing the title to you. So you're legally obligated to pay Mark
  21. Alright. I called my mom and Mark. My mom is a notary and works for the state of Ohio. Here is what has to be done. The second and third buyer do not matter because it is still titled in the first buyers name. You can call the county in Kentucky where he titled it and contact the first buyer. The first buyer can apply for a lost title and then sign that title over to the last buyer. Then you would have to transfer that title to Ohio. But at that point it is yours and you have a clear title. I got the VIN and the first buyers name. I'm going to contact him. The problem there though is if the first buyer is not a stand up guy then he can report the bike stolen and get it back and there's nothing that can be done about it. The other option is have the second buyer title the bike in his name in Kentucky because he has the signature on the title. Then transfer the title to Ohio and transfer the title again to the third buyer. It's not as complicated as it sounds really. The hardest part is getting the first buyer to meet you at the title agency in Kentucky.
  22. abdecal

    screw my boss

    I rep'd for the vampire comment
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