I don't know what to think of this. You're saying you make enough money to live off of from your first job but it doesn't afford you the things you want to spend your enjoyment on? It sounds to me like you did need that job or you can't afford to do anything outside of pay your bills. For me, I have a day job outside of ABDecal doing database support. If I left my job for my business I could still afford to live and if I dropped my business for my job I could still afford to live. I wouldn't be able to support my hobbies but nonetheless, I could still live. But NEVER would I tell my boss I don't need him and he better figure out my schedule. I would let him know it conflicts and see if there is something we could work out. Same thing goes for an ABDecal customer. If they need something right away that I am not able to do within that time frame I would let them know my situation and see if there is something that can be worked out to keep their business. Many people say they want a business to be their own boss, but in reality, the customer is your boss. And they are much more demanding than my boss at my day job. Telling either to basically f*ck off is the worst thing you can do. Everything you do and say has an impact on your life, work, and business. Sounds to me like you have burned some bridges. And by posting it on a public forum for many to see, you have burned more bridges. I understand this is the rant and rave section but it is probably best to keep personal rants to yourself. I would never rant about a customer or my boss. An appropriate rant may be that Internet Explorer still exists Or something along those lines.