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Everything posted by Exarch

  1. Seriously? Retreat? Your in a damn restaurant, where are.you gunna retreat to?
  2. Umm... Yaa..... Count me out, dudes got some serious fricking balls.
  3. 50% goes to charity + he is selling the gun to a collector/museum so this is the last time he is gunna blow away a laptop apparently... Full story IDK and dont care, there was a YouTube vid about it, but meh doesnt interest me enouh to watch it or find out who this guy is.
  4. Bout time, now I can keep my gun and dope in a nice safe place without having to hide em under my spare tire
  5. Well, if your gunna base this off looks Zimmerman looks like a gangbanger and looks like he would be able to hold his own in a fight, not the defenseless pussy people on his side are making him out to be.
  6. 41 bids and $1,225... Wish I had that kind of pocket change
  7. I would second that motion, 7 years on charges of being hooligans
  8. If someone walks in and acts like there gunna shoot up the place(threats, waving the weapon around, warning shot, etc...)(weapon at the ready or not) and someone kills them then good riddens, that fuck signed his own deathbed.
  9. Well, exactly.. The guy training needs HANDS on experience to get the hang of it, being told or shown how to do something once isnt easy to catch on tobwhen alot of infobis being put out. Just like I know what ur saying, I can read, but as far as what.u are talking about I might not have a clue. the only way to gain and retain info is through praftice,, then it becomes apart of your daily routine. Just like when nubs drive a stick they know the motions, but still have no.clue how to properly use the motions. Im a good trainer, wether it be work or not. I repeat myself over and over and over and over and over.... Even if I feel they have it.down I still repeat myself. I make sure someone has it down b4 im done training. But sometimes people do have to do things hands on.a.few.times.b4 they get.it.down,.telling someone.and showing someone is not gunna make them better if.they have 0 experience, now if someone knows what they are doing and then you just explaine or show.em what to do they can usually pick it up asap. So basically I can read all I want, watch whatever, take a billion classes and its not gunna do a lick of good. I dont need to understand for example how to countersteer(itd be nice though) to do it, and honestly idk what to think of countersteering after hearing you have to do it to turn, cuz ive never done it(knowingly) and ive made PLENTY of turns just fine. I get I need msf, but with everyone saying what to do(btw twist of the wrist 2 dont listen to any advice from random people, since some people are content on bringing up that vid)) it just doesnt make sence, obviously I can ride, otherwise I wouldnt of even made it out the driveway, let alone to 350. Obviously I do just fine in the city as thats where I do most my riding, obviously I have the basics of riding down otherwise I wouldnt be able to maneuver the bike... So ill do my thing, you do yours. We all have different priorities and ways of learning, so unless your going to physically show me something in person ill probably have no clue wtf your talking about. And ill continue to do what I feel is right for ke and not what everyone else feels is right for me The bikes NOT going away, not getting put up, and not being sold. It was a slide oh well. And yes the MSF and BRC will be taken EVENTUALLY! But not right now, so when I get free time to go in a parkinglot and practice I will, so for now I will continue to ride my bike as I have been since its fixed now. Btw for anyone bitching at me who has took the class I can guarentee 90% of you dont follow everything you have learned, which includes speeding on the roads. Thats something that EVERYONE should know about, but yet chooses to ignore along with a few other rules you should know about that most of yall choose to ignore. Sure you may not find speeding a serious risk(I dont) but the truth of it is it can be a serious risk, keyword CAN. Just like me not doing msf right now isnt a serious.risk in the city but it CAN be a serious risk if I get into a situation a cant handle... Thays how I feel, im not a baby and dont meed to be treated like one. If someone wants to teach me the proper way to do something shoot me a message and ill give you my number and we can practice together(Saturdays only here) if not thanks for the input but im obviously not gunna learn anything from reading, im a hands on person.
  10. again, I wrecked in an area on unfamiliar roads in a sharp turn that was not newbie. ... Shit happens again im not mad bout the wreck and if I had an option to go back and not do that ride I would of still done it. It was a minor slide, not the end of the world. I didnt freak out about it, didnt expect people here to freak out either. Sure I need msf/practice ans whatnot, but you.missed the point of the entire thread o.O I crashed in a month and got my bike fixed up now, didnt quit over 1 lil spill. No biggie and I can promise you I do just fine riding around the city, which im familier with, which ive known for years.
  11. I work almost 24/7 would take you up on your offer, and ive had offers, just none.fit.my. Work.schedule unfortunately. Saturdays(hopefully since.i.talked.to.my boss will be my offical 1 day off per week now instead of workin 7 days a week) should be good for me from now on to do things and practice.
  12. your.right, im not 100% aware of.what I did, no one is. But I am aware ofa some of.the.factors.involved. Said it 2000 times gunna take the msf when I get.the.time..
  13. Youd be surprised by how many actually do, especially HD(mostly ofbthe people telling me they stalled cuz they couldnt hear their bike werebHD riders) no offense to HD riders, these were newer riders(lless than 1y exp)
  14. I got the location of QSL posted now. I also posted the route(which prob wont happen) but if the rain decides not.to.come atleast everything is posted. Looking forward to.meeting everyone that plans om attending this meet n greet
  15. Did u sell your bike after ur 1st wreck, even after u took.the.course?? Im sure most people here have wrecked.that TOOK the course. I wrecked in a expert turn(from what im told.by everyone that knows.that turn) not a big deal, the turn was a lil.above my skill lvl and I know.that, not like I crashed in a newbie turn or on a straight. And I stated multiple times what I did.wrong(recognized my problem) I sliped a lil.and panicked then hit the breaks. Also I was in too high of a gear and didnt look into.the turn after I panicked. This has been established and verified multiple times here. I didnt need someone to tell.me what i.did.wrong cuz I know.what I did wrong. And I even stated I knew what to do, but basic instinct kicked in. taking.a.course will help, but its not gunna prevent basic instincts kicking in. I was going down regardless of.how much class time I did or didnt have. We all make mistakes, were only human.
  16. Btw, turning left to go right in a tractior/trailr(reverse) if thats the kind of countersteering ur refering to? But I doubt it since you cant.jack knife a bike. ive been driving semis for 7 years, so when I think.of countersteering i.think of.turning my wheel to make my to make my trailer go.the opposite direction... But even that concept I never think about since it comes.naturally...
  17. Wtf is the difference between pushing right and pulling left then? Fuck I can pull left, just sounds ackward pushing right.... if pushing right to.go.left and pulling left to go left is not.the same.thing.than im.confused as.fuck... If its the same thing than shit, thats obvious, but from the way its worded.... this is tomato tamato shit... Same thing different pronunciation... I never thought of it like that, I was thinking yall ment like in cars(turn left to go right which doesnt make a lick of sense) cuz of course if I turn right ima go right and vice versa... And like.kmt said I dont even think about it, the shit just happens. Just like shifting in a car, I dont thin about it I just do it. Or when you zone out in a car and go 10 miles past ur exit and dont even know how u got there, but.you managed to stay in your lane the entire time and not go.straight in a.curve...
  18. Exarch

    Break out Ride

    http://ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=91496&page=2 Like for someone committing identity fraud? I thought I was talkin to you when I was talking to hollywood33
  19. http://tmo.mw.cnn.com/viewarticle?id=771423 Looks like there will be a new judge in this case.
  20. Well, im gunna watch the vid AGAIN and then practice counter steering. I get the concept(the cars movie when he is on a dirt road ) but I just never tried it. I also saw the counter steering on captin.crash 60 sec lesson and that just confused the shit outta me. Once I try it it will make more sense to me, but its not something ide think about doing in the heat of the moment(yet)
  21. Too bad I cant get my bike out till Fri, ide be all over this one. Almost every car(except employee cars) in my work parking lot is just redicikously expencive. Btw do SUV/truck count? Cuz if so someone just needs to take a pic next to a semi
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