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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. http://www.pr0gramm.com/data/images/2011/07/gangsta.gif
  2. k but real guys are also over 5'7" ?
  3. paul brower is still the gayest fucking dude in the house! albeit nice, he still gets it 9" deep
  4. no, thats just an example of 5 different lifts.
  5. i was talking about the motors. dead reliable.
  6. op is still butthurt. enjoy your del sol. more like del lol.
  7. 5 different lifts such as: bench squat shoulder press skull crushers leg press each lift doing 3 sets of 10-15
  8. i do want to ask this to people who lift: how many lifts are you doing in a typical workout? i get like 5-6 in, and i feel done. idk, just me. im thinking of trying to force myself to do more.
  9. im just saying what works for me. i DO NOT advocate doing 2 a days everyday, thus that only spells burnout. If you do 2-3 days of 2 a days, that will work. i suggest starting out doing simple crap like if you drink a pop a day, cut that out. drink water. you can still eat whatever greasy hamburger/fries, but down the line, try to eliminate that stuff too. people who try to go cold turkey on their diet, and also go blast workouts with tons of volume/intensity often end up back where they were in the first place.
  10. SC looked really good last year, they looked explosive. Not sure on ND.
  11. I bought some more around 2:30, i plan to double down if it falls tomorrow going into the weekend with the jobs report coming out. if its negative, all hell should break loose, everyone will want to be liquid going into the weekend, then I plan to triple down sometime next week if it continues.
  12. there you have it folks, investment advice by jeffro.
  13. idk who he is, but im guessing he has some quadruple short position or something.
  14. hey, i love my xtend.
  15. im in the same boat, ill probably be buying into the drops, hoping that 2008 doesn't repeat.
  16. german cars are rock fucking solid. i dont care what anyone says. as far as I am concerned, the BMW inline 6 is in the same company as the 22RE or whatever motor you want to argue is the most reliable in the history of motors. what other single cam motor can you boost with 250k on the bottom end and make 400+ whp (reliably) out of?
  17. cut your carbs after 1pm. also don't put any dressing on anything, even if its "low fat". wraps are also kinda deceiving, although they appear in nature to be healthy, they are still high in calories. id opt for a salad personally. id try 2 a day workouts as well, run in the AM, lift at night, or vice versa. you'll have the "furnace" constantly burning. cardio alone won't do it. weight training is necessary. i was 5'9" 185lbs last summer and cut to 165lbs in like 2 months just doing that crap. my size 32's were falling off.
  18. keep working out obviously, but seriously your diet is going to dictate how far your body is going to go.
  19. hey genius, tell me what other ingredients are included. id like to know. $10000 says it doesn't include unobtanium. do it once, perfect it, mass produce it. done.
  20. isnt on3 chinabay shit anyway? its not too alarming to me. i think apple only has about 2-3$ into the cost of an ipod but sells them to the american sheeple for 2-3x that amount. why cant the commies do it with turbo kits? its only steel, rubber, gaskets, etc...
  21. just wondering. i keep reading on yellowbullet how popular that and outlaw 275 are getting, but that's alot of $$$$$, not cheap at all.
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