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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET


    Be jones

    inb4 work/backpedal/etc

    Be jones

    jones racing on a sanctioned track is so 1970.

    Be jones

    tim ill take mine lightly salted and buttered with a side. hold the jonesfail sauce.

    Be jones

    i am AWD and offered to hook axles w him, and he declined.
  5. another example of government fraud, waste and abuse.
  6. Guise i got pics of the meet: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2395/2249215992_727fae4e34.jpg Josh won 1st prize in the mantits class. Good Job.
  7. josh is still a fagget. enjoy hals ballsweat.
  8. Ok. I thought all passages were blocked. How much strength does it really add to the block to be semi filled? I would think its an all or nothing deal. Either all filled, or not.
  9. Since the block is filled, how long will it be able to run without fear of overheat?
  10. THREAD DERAIL. Jk. Just dont have it Friday or Sat night and we should be good. If you have it that night, no one shows, etc.
  11. lul gary. he was probably putting some junkyard pistons in it. told the dude he'd be running 11's :dumb:
  12. i use geocities, haters.
  13. Idk if they have real events anymore. I think the truck and tractor pulls and demo derbies are at the real fairs like croton and others.
  14. Looks like a bunch of ford focuses
  15. Tough shit, things break. I mean caveat emptor, but I see how you are in a tough spot. My solution is sell shit to someone other than immediate friends/family, cause if and when it breaks, they'll always look toward you to fix it.
  16. Having a ball, yeah right. Go to kelly bmw, those motherfuckers are just plain rude. They seem like 15 yr old girls, working at mcdonalds, pissed at the world.
  17. id flog one but for $2X,XXX id better be getting more than 200whp
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