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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. This thread is relevant again please re-open: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=83910&page=2 Thanks, Eric
  2. did the OP change the title? i mean pedal bike not sportbike.
  3. prohint: leave conditioner in for 1 minute to maximize effectiveness.
  4. arent you supposed to be mr superbadass marinecorp hoooah high speed?
  5. who the fuck is timmay? i will be at drill and my kraut land rocket will be in the shop. eat an uninterested dick.
  6. this thread is why gingers need exterminated upon birth. that any some people need to post up their ugly mugs.
  7. mmm south beach, great location. great price. whoever gets this will have a hell of a time. close to sea pines too.
  8. I am alergic to peanuts. Also the cashews are salty, and its a huge pain in the ass but i rub the salt off of them.
  9. paired w what type of diet, additionally what result do you gain? i am trying to just lean out and cut up, not get super weirdo jacked or anything.
  10. I feel really fat when i eat cashews for some reason, should i not be eating these? I mean they are nuts, supposed to be healthy. Anyway, I got back on the workout train after some time off and vacation. I went to supzilla to get some post work out supplements. Here is what I got: After Glow: http://gnc.imageg.net/graphics/product_images/pGNC1-8079782nm.jpg I got this, except i got the watermellon. Its a post workout supplement, something I definately need. Ive been getting way too sore and staying that way. I need to have something to accelerate recovery. My initial reaction is, this stuff is the shit! The taste is awesome IMO. Scivation Xtend: http://vipersupplements.com/images/Xtend%20Refreshing%20Blue%20Raspberry%2090%20serving%20SCIVATION.jpg Not exactly sure how I will utilize this supplement, but it is supposedly also a post workout recovery type dealio. Despite the package looking like big dick pill medicine, i got it to see. My initial reaction is it tastes pretty good, but not as good as the after glow. The dude working there swore by it, and was even drinking some right then when I was there. I will probably use this after my runs, and the after glow more after my lifts.

    Who's going

    yeah its a left hook straight up your ass.

    Who's going

    hah not quite. eat a recumbent dick

    Who's going

    imma go but ill prob get my dick stuck in my chain guard
  14. what do you need done, i can likely do it.
  15. those hipster hitler comics are fucking hilarious
  16. .....dont beg for rides in peoples car, aren't hated by everyone on the internets, don't have a baby momma, dont streetrace and have kids, dont use meijer cutlery.....
  17. i resent that. i am much better looking, more tanned, more jacked, and drive a better car, don't have a 2 inch pube beard, don't wear glasses, etc.
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