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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. charge you a $25 fee to file a claim, to POSSIBLY get your shit paid for? jesus titty fucking christ i hate our government.
  2. Maybe you and that PT cruiser dude can trade.
  3. reserve me a spot til I get paid, lol.
  4. shots of tobasco + 151 + pepper flakes is called prairie fire. they are an awful idea.
  5. roxanne is hardcore. used to pregame to that shit all the time.
  6. good lookin out. my commander is a bitch and probably wouldn't let me make it up.
  7. it was probably the hokey pokey, and it was probably ten 12 year olds you commandeered from the playground you pedophile.
  8. paul, srsly. you come on here asking about some fagtron dance. wtf response did you want?

    Out Cold

    ill hit it up. your mom even signed my permission slip.
  10. Those fieros look better than the gay looking notch back ones. Paul, huh? Just be forewarned that insults toward "Paul" are probably not directed toward you.

    Bento 2-11

    Mountain Hardware?
  12. Fuck, i have drill the 27th and 28th of March. Wat time does the party train plan on arriving back in Columbus? Luckily alcohol doesnt count on drug tests. :bangbang::bangbang::bangbang:
  13. Ah this is true. If its an indoor race it will probably be a 55m. If its set outdoors somewhere warm, itll be 100m.
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