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Posts posted by J.W.

  1. The only reason you guys are arguing about this is because large corporations have put millions of dollars into advertising to make this seem like a bad idea.

    The big companies (especially the pharmaceutical companies) have already figured out how to maintain their profits. They have been working on it since this idea was first introduced.

    The arbitrary scale of "quality" is going to be the real problem here. If X percentage of patients have to have blood pressure in Y range, the doctors are going to push the quickest (but not necessarily best) fix... "here take this pill." Lifestyle changes are the real fix for these problems but if a young MD, still owing from med school, has a salary that is dependent on the government's definition of "quality" then the care will surely not be in the patient's best interest. Why suggest diet and exercise if that won't maintain your salary for the next year? Keep in mind, this is only my complaint about one of these points and certainly not my biggest complaint. It's just one of the easiest to single out. It's also the way that big pharma has already seen that they will maintain their grip on the entire process. The plan changes some procedure but it "fixes" little if anything.

  2. I believe I'm covered, I dump 5% of my income into a HSA every paycheck... in a couple years there should be enough in there to pay for my lasik...woot!

    Get ready to start dumping more. WOOT!

    “This will make it much more difficult for high deductible plans to meet the minimum actuarial value standard of 60 percent,” says Ramthun. “If they can’t, these plans will either not be available, or these plans will have to raise their values by covering additional benefit expenses. This in turns means the premiums will have to be increased to cover the additional expenses, meaning HSA plans will not be as affordable as they are today.”

  3. They actually just don't know

    "There are many of these synthetic drugs that we currently don't have the methodology to test on, and that is not the fault of the toxicology lab. The challenge today for the toxicology lab is to stay on top of these new chemicals and develop methodologies for them, but it's very difficult and very expensive." Goldberger said. "There is no one test or combination of tests that can detect every possible substance out there."

  4. actually if you make below the poverty line, you CAN get government (cash) assistance and use it to pay for your automobile insurance...

    You can get SOME assistance. Not full.

    if you admire the poor for all of the free stuff they get, you can do it, too...

    Now you're just being a troll so I won't bother

    • Upvote 1
  5. no fucking way should anyone be forced to buy a gun.

    My comment about the "snarky history lesson" was directed at this. The second Militia Act of 1792 required all men between certain ages to possess a musket and to report to militia duty periodically. So there is technically a precedent, but also a repeal.

    Public police agencies and the National Guard were the solutions to this.

  6. true...kudos to you

    you're also not required to earn more than the poverty level... in which case the government provides you with health coverage.

    So, if I stop working and earn less than what is considered the "poverty level" will Obama buy me a car too?

    (I demand the public has to pay my vehicle insurance too)

  7. Me: That looks a lot like a tax.

    Obama: No no no. I promise, it is not a tax.

    Supreme court: It's a tax.

    Obama: Hooray, I win!

    Me: I wonder who just lost :(

    My summary of the decision: Chief Justice Roberts wrote, “makes going without insurance just another thing the Government taxes, like buying gasoline or earning income. And if the mandate is in effect just a tax hike on certain taxpayers who do not have health insurance, it may be within Congress’s constitutional power to tax.”

    BUT, President Obama said,


  8. I doubt there is anything necessarily "shady" about it but you have the only problem already singled out: Anyone wanting to pay for 1/2 of a bike using paypal obviously does not have the money for the bike and is about to over-extend themselves. Two months down the road when that payment is looming, who knows what excuses might pop up.

    Full disclosure, we have bought a bike (years ago) on ebay using paypal because the seller insisted. Of course we turned around and payed of the credit card immediately and there were no problems with the sale at all. But I could see an issue with someone that has bitten off more than they can chew. .02

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