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Posts posted by J.W.

  1. Well, I don't know a whole lot about rabid New York raccoons, pcp, or lsd except that I don't want to smoke any of them.

    What I DO know is that this still has not made national news. If I don't see this on MSNBC vista or Fixed Noise in the next 10 hours, I know there is a media blackout and I can be expecting hoards of naked face-eaters to be marching up I75 from Miami.

  2. Ah yes, the otterbox changes the logistics a bit. I just plan to clip my phone into the iphone specific mount. My hope is that it is cut away on the back so I can catch some video also (if not, I have a dremmel). I'm tired of bolting a camera to the tank or the side of the bike.

  3. Looks like the universal cradle was the difference. How sure are you about that X-Grip thing? I have no experience with it but the thought of it holing my phone on the bike makes me nervous.

    TheBrown57: That looks like the kit I have. Just a different gadget attachment.

  4. Bullet points.....


    Could have bought another GPS for what I paid for the mount.

    How expensive? My whole setup (including the correct GPS mount was less than $40. That was about 3 years ago but still... should not have gone up that much.

    And yes, it should work on a gsxr, you just have to find the right part number on RAM's web site. Just go through the drop down menu process.

  5. Nothing extra was needed. Straight bolt on and it even came with the longer bolts for the new bracket. I don't know the model # but I think it was called the "clutch lever kit" or something like that. I can try to dig it up.

    I don't have the iPhone cradle but I am planning on ordering it next week because I tend to use google maps more than my gps these days. Plus, I can use the same cradle in my truck.

    If you head south and want to see how I have it set up, let me know. I can try and catch up.

  6. FYI: The RAM setup attaches to the existing bolts for the Brake lever so you don't need any extra space. Works great on my ZX6R and easy to remove when it's not needed. Also, I don't need to use it in the rain, so I don't have a waterproof case. I just keep a zip-loc bag in my pocket (one for it and one for my phone). If it looks like rain, I stop and put the GPS in my pocket.




  7. Buffalo jacks in covington.

    Hickory river in tipp city

    Youngs Jersey Farmhouse @ Youngs Jersey Dairy, Yellow Springs, Ohio

    Thanks for the suggestions! Added to the list. We ended up just following the Miami for a while today. Ended up back in Hamilton for lunch. Great day to be out exploring on the bikes.


  8. I would probably be in for this. I've had a couple of closer-than-I-wanted encounters with deer but, with less angry/texting cars on the road, the dangers seem to balance out. :wtf:

    Springfield is close enough to merit an evening/night trip.

  9. I'm looking for destination suggestions for rides. The Cincinnati area has plenty of good restaurants/diners/pubs etc but riding in the city is just not as much fun IMO. I live north of 275 (Hamilton/Fairfield) and my wife and I like to hop on the bikes and wander around looking for interesting places to check out. Obviously, SW OH would be our range for afternoon/evening rides but destinations for day trips are always welcome. If you know of any out of the way, secret, mom & pop places or just somewhere that has really good food, I would love to know about it.

    Addresses and routes are appreciated.

  10. This... and

    "Any cop will tell you that everyone is doing something that is technically illegal at any given time while operating a motor vehicle. It's a numbers game."

    thats something entirely more f-ed up, that there are soooo many laws that you can never fully be in compliance, we need to work for change on that front but my goodness it's a pain in the ass to have laws/ordinances reversed or removed.

    I agree with that but, just to be clear, I was referring more to something like this situation and I'm glad the OP did not have the same problems.

  11. we all just waited until he shut up and drove away to screw with someone else
    U were parked. Show me a list a mile long of violations "officer", but until I roll out on the street, STFU!

    ^^^ this is who he was looking for :D

    In 14 years as a sportbike rider, I have never been screwed with like that before...even at Deals Gap. It was incredibly sad.

    Agreed. Sounds like a raging case of small pee pee syndrome.

  12. I have noticed, no matter where I have lived, that there is a direct proportion between the number of motorcycles in a given area and the probability that an LEO will be around at some point. That is why I don't make it to many big bike nights or large group rides anymore. And I have no reason to avoid LEOs. Trust me on this.

    Any cop will tell you that everyone is doing something that is technically illegal at any given time while operating a motor vehicle. It's a numbers game. And if the officer you encountered had instructions to "crack down" on bikers early in the season, then you probably just were lucky enough (sarcasm) to be at the same gas station he was at.

    I'm guessing that none of you got tickets or had your bikes impounded for the aforementioned "violations" which pretty much tells me that you were not the hooligans he was supposed to be on patrol for. It's unfortunate that you had to get hassled but, as another thread on this forum has recently proven, his chances were good of catching a squid with an attitude--as well as violations--just by walking up to you.

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