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Posts posted by Lilbit

  1. Youre screwed.. Problem one, getting/letting your kid have a 2K+ computer. I understand wanting to provide for your kid but common sense should tell you that kids inherently break shit and have accidents. Live it up to a lesson learned. Get the kid a $300 laptop until they understand $$$

    It was a used macbook that cost $999 new but a friend upgraded and gave it to my son. I don't let him touch mine. Sad thing is he was more responsible at six than he is now. I guess I will take it to the apple store and see what they can do but my son will have to pay me back if it can be repaired.

  2. Buy a PC ;)

    I have a PC and a macbook pro for myself but when my son was five I let him use my old imac and he has been using macs ever since except at school. And I will not let him near my computers! I am not looking forward to a trip to the Apple store.

  3. Some of the comments were priceless.
    Yes, one of my favorites was "We don't need lubrication". The press is saying that even though he is in a cell by himself the other inmates can see him, so let them taunt him for a few weeks and throw him out with the population. In some situations an eye for an eye is a good punishment. The courageous men that came forward are probably only a small percent of the boys he has molested over the years.
  4. I hope everyone here takes time to talk to your children, let them know that they can come to you no matter what anyone tells them even if threats of hurting their family is involved. Teach them about inappropriate touching and what to do. Tell them to come to you, if somebody offers them gifts tell them that they have to ask you before accepting a gift. Also, they have to tell the person giving the gift they have to ask parents permission before accepting. And most important is to let them know they are not going to be in trouble for telling.

  5. Gosh Joe Amendola, kids don't lie about being molested and raped. Yes, they may not come forward as a child out of fear and being intimidated, however you know your client is guilty! Yes, do your job as a lawyer and make your money but can you sleep at night?

    What a douchebag!

  6. If by somehow (like a jury full of PSU alums ) he is found innocent, I wouldn't be surprised if someone shoots his creepy ass.
    If that happens I hope they don't shoot him that is an easy way out for him to die. I say cut his penis off and shove it in his mouth. GUILTY on 45 counts!!!
  7. you got bad info.

    we did the "trade" thing with my girls car and another guys car, and it was fine...some little bubby bmv in the hills did it and nobody said anything....but by law, you have to put a value....call a major bmv and ask them and see what they say, perhaps its a county law or something, but ive been told this on several occasions by several bmvs in franklin county

    A county law :rolleyes:
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