Our next event at everyone's favorite track is right around the corner!
Gates will open at 5 on Friday
Camping is free
Contact the track directly for garage and RV spots - (270) 777-4507
Link to registration page - http://msreg.com/ncmjune2018
Link to the track - http://motorsportspark.org
Places to stay - http://motorsportspark.org/lodging/
Advanced is 20% full
Novice and Intermediate are about 10%
Hope to see you there!
Early Bird pricing ends tonight.
Still have space in Advanced each day.
Intermediate is sold out.
Novice has a few open spots on Sunday and is sold out on Saturday.
Tape over your speedo, change all the fluids, and have fun. You'll immediately meet a bunch of old friends you never knew you had.
If you're talking about Mid-O, find Rusty, Tom, John, Mark or Andy and tell em I said to help you out.
Donated items for the Air Fence fundraiser
Pirelli tires - Orion Motorsports/ Good Grip Racing Bridgestone tires - Inner - Circle Racing Baxley Sport Chock - Velocity Calibrations Alpinestars boots and LS2 helmet - GPMotorsales 2015 Yamaha R3 - John Cook/ Trackapalooza Custom Vinyl Kit - Alpha 1 Vinyl Works Photo package and 16x24 metal print - ABI Photo Kabuto helmets - Taylor Motorsports MOTO-D Racing helmet case x 2 - Dominik Handmade quilt - My Mom Yamaha EF2000is - Yamaha Motor USA
Link to registration - www.motorsportreg.com/events/midwest-track-day-at-ncm-motorsports-park-794648
The tire walls don't look like they're in their final position. It looks like they are standing on end. Probably just staged for placement. I'm going down there tomorrow to walk the track
We are a Motorcycle Track day organization offering expert coaching at all levels. Novice Group is for street experienced riders and, riders with some of track experience who are looking for a moderate pace. Passing limited to straights. Intermediate Group is for track experienced riders who are familiar with the flags, pit in/out procedures and 10+ previous track days. Passing on straights and on outside in turns. Advance Group is for track day veterans and licensed racers. The pace will be fast with passing allowed in every section of the track. Gates open at 7am. If you arrive before 7, DO NOT block the gates. Registration and Tech will open at 7:30am. We'll open as soon as we get set up. Shouldn't take us long. Mandatory Rider meeting at 8:30am Advance - 9:00 Intermediate - 9:20 Novice - 9:40 Advance - 10:00 Intermediate - 10:20 Novice - 10:40 Advance - 11:00 Intermediate - 11:20 Novice - 11:40 Lunch - Noon Advance - 1:00 Intermediate - 1:20 Novice - 1:40 Advance - 2:00 Intermediate - 2:20 Novice - 2:40 Advance - 3:00 Intermediate - 3:20 Novice - 3:40 Advance - 4:00 Interemediate - 4:20 Novice - 4:40 Checker - 5:00 Gates will close at 6pm sharp each day. Please be packed up and out before 6pm. You are welcome to leave your bikes and gear at the track Saturday night if you are riding both days. But, there is no camping at Putnam. Pricing: Early Registration $155/day - $295/weekend Standard Registrations $185/day - $345/weekend If you have any questions about our format or track days in general, please contact us through our website, forum or Facebook page. www.MidwestTrackDay.com www.facebook.com/MidwestTrackDay
We are a Motorcycle track day organization offering expert coaching at all levels. Novice Group is for street experienced riders and, riders with some of track experience who are looking for a moderate pace. Passing limited to straights. Intermediate Group is for track experienced riders who are familiar with the flags, pit in/out procedures and 10+ previous track days. Passing on straights and on outside in turns. Advance Group is for track day veterans and licensed racers. The pace will be fast with passing allowed in every section of the track. Gates open at 7am. If you arrive before 7, DO NOT block the gates. Registration and Tech will open at 7:30am. We'll open as soon as we get set up. Shouldn't take us long. Mandatory Rider meeting at 8:30am Advance - 9:00 Intermediate - 9:20 Novice - 9:40 Advance - 10:00 Intermediate - 10:20 Novice - 10:40 Advance - 11:00 Intermediate - 11:20 Novice - 11:40 Lunch - Noon Advance - 1:00 Intermediate - 1:20 Novice - 1:40 Advance - 2:00 Intermediate - 2:20 Novice - 2:40 Advance - 3:00 Intermediate - 3:20 Novice - 3:40 Advance - 4:00 Interemediate - 4:20 Novice - 4:40 Checker - 5:00 Gates will close at 6pm sharp each day. Please be packed up and out before 6pm. You are welcome to leave your bikes and gear at the track Saturday night if you are riding both days. But, there is no camping at Putnam. Pricing: Early Registration $155/day - $295/weekend Standard Registrations $185/day - $345/weekend If you have any questions about our format or track days in general, please contact us through our website, forum or Facebook page. www.MidwestTrackDay.com www.facebook.com/MidwestTrackDay