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Posts posted by ZxHooligan

  1. I don't have any issues of my own to resolve. Let's say I were to screw farm animals or smear peanut butter on my balls and let the dog lick it off. You would find it odd and say I have a disorder because it is not the norm. It's a choice if I were to choose to do these things. I'm not saying homosexuality is a disorder or anything like that. Like a poster above said humans are not born with a sexuallity concept. I'm sure if you told yourself enough times for a long enough period you would believe you are gay. Humans can be pre conditioned by their surroundings. Homosexuality I belive is a 60/40. The 60 choose to be gay while the other 40 are actually gay. Of the 60 many of these have probably found comfort being around the same sex and start to have an attraction for the same sex. Btw I have friends that are gay I do not treat them any different than I do my other friends I have. I have no problems if you are gay or straight or purple or blue. And all the friends I have that are homosexuals they do not believe that all homosexuals are truly homosexuals. They believe that some have chosen to be homosexuals

  2. "Want to be gay?" That's like saying people want to be black or want to have cerebral palsy....homosexuality is not a choice. I have gay friends and all of them knew they were different at a very young age, but didn't know they were gay until they got older. It's something you are born being.

    This logic opens up the door for pedophiles to claim I was born with an affinity for young kids. But that's a whole new can of worms.

  3. I have to disagree if people want to be gay that is fine by me and if others want to fuck farm animals that's fine they can as long as it's their animal don't be coming around trying to screw my pooch. Either way doesn't really affect me. Yes it's a bit odd that I don't really care what people do with sheep as long as it's their sheep

  4. I no scope everything in ohio as far as deer go cause the likelihood of me seeing something far enough to use a scope is slim where I hunt. And I only use a muzzle loader in ohio. I have a knight in line I use

  5. I haven't been able to properly squid it up yet, I need a GSXR and a 750 at that. Plus I'm local, plus I'm just awesome so :p

    just buy a hayabusa and chrome it out with 14 inch extension and 300 mm tire then your squidin it
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  6. I'm really surprised at the negative publicity Ryse has been getting.  I thought it was good.

    From what I've played so far of ryse I like it. I'm waiting on titan fall in march. I may get bf4 and probably fifa. Forza is really different than previous versions. You get sun glare while playing in the in car driving Like you would a real car

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