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Posts posted by TMCGRAW

  1. I would but I can't ride with people who spell days of the week wrong when titling a thread while trying to gather support for an illegal "event" on a public forum for a public road.

    ... Ummmmm ... Thanks for serving? You did us proud?

    Side note: If you're doing this for all the right reasons. Do it legally and safely. Don't gather up a bunch of kids and see if they have-what-it-takes-hang. Someone who served, and who is going to throw it around like it's some sort of qualification for anything, should be taking the leader role and helping everyone in this situation. There's better ways to do something like this, nothing I'm going to put into thought, because I don't care to.

  2. First man on the moon ... The light bulb ... 7 U.S. Presidents (2nd behind Virginia) ... The first baseball commissioner ... Dean Martin ... Steven Spielberg ... Ted Turner, Tecumseh ... Inventors of flight!

    ... ... ... James Peterson ... 34 year old, Veteran Fist Pumper.

  3. Heh I was kicked out at 18-ish, struggled along trying to find my spot in life, lived on a friends floor for about a week, playing with the judicial system, on the receiving end for awhile.

    Joined the Navy, did my time, got married, moved back, and now it's time to buy the first home.

    The military really taught me what it was to put-up-or-shut-up.

    :) ... They take girls too, and it's a good system for those who are struggling to find where they belong in life. It's a system that lets the members make mistakes without destroying their lives normally, you can move out on your own, make horrible decisions and the worse case scenario is you still have a job, and a barracks to stay at if all goes badly.

    ... But don't do more than 4-5 years unless it's a serious calling. After that amount of time in I kind of longed to make my own decisions and stop being deployed all the time. It's the main reason I got out. It definately helped me to straighten my life out, and I got free lasik out of it, VA benefits (if they ever pay up), and I get cool veteran plates :).

  4. Last night riding with my visor up and oakley's on ... Doing about 30mph, a bee .... Lands on my oakley's ... I start thinking of every horror story I've heard about being hit in the blah blah blah by XYZ ...

    The bee is crawling around on my glasses, I go to knock him off he burrows between my padding and my helmet, then works his way to my eye ball ... I'm riding (like an idiot) with one eye closed, trying to pull my glasses out ever so delicately to let the bee BE FREE ... Just be free little bee!

    He made a short hop down to my cheek and I crushed him ...

    No lessons learned here, thought I share my 'wear your visor down' story. :)

  5. So there is this place called Khan Academy (khanacademy.org) this place has saved me on a lot of things by breaking down what I consider difficult concepts into step-by-step tutorials that I can re-watch and refresh with.

    Just thought I'd share this since I know it's probably been solely responsible for saving my grade from a couple of teachers I didn't mesh with.

  6. I'm kind of with ya on this OP. I think in this day and age if anyone says anything nice to me, especially going out on a limb and complimenting a stranger. I usually tell them "Thanks, I got it from ..." Then it moves into a conversation of the location I got it, or how they saw it there too, ect.

    Take it more as a sign of camaraderie and just reply in a "thank you/you're welcome" manner ... It would be silly if we were all just waving at each other in the parking lots.

  7. Hey Cookie.

    I'm going to get the whole story come Monday when it's all public record.

    May as well fess up.

    Say Hi to your Mother for me!

    It's Monday, I want the story, I don't know where to look for it, and in some small way feel that since I've read every page of this; I'm entitled.

    • Upvote 1
  8. So recently I've been toying with the Ohio weather patterns (haha). I ride from southeast Columbus to northwest Columbus for work, any chance I get. One of the things that keeps me off the bike normally is heavy rain (T-storms) and we all know how reliable the weather man is early morning.

    I found this free App on my Iphone called MyRadar and it has a bunch of options and jazz but I use it to pin point me, and to show me the up to date doppler. This has saved me a few times where I can pull out my phone, click the button and see where it's raining and how hard and what direction it's traveling.

    So hope it helps you out if you have one of these smartphones!

    • Upvote 1
  9. Ban cell phones, they will read books, ban books they will eat food, ban food they will shave their legs... it will not end simply by treating the symptoms...

    Completely agree. They're talking now about outlawing texting while driving. They can outlaw whatever they want, doesn't mean peopel are going to do it any less.

    Anyone seen anyone speeding lately? Dangerous, illegal, and they'll do it while txting and eating.

  10. Some buddies and I recently bought bikes from Independent. On mine particularly, I wanted a service history on the bike or at least the last time something was done, they told me what they had done recently but honestly couldn't tell me anything beyond what they had done so he helped me filled me in on the service intervals on the bike.

    They even had my buddies bike in there for some 'routine' things to be done to it and a unfortunate event occurred but both the shop and my buddy came to reasonable terms to overcome the problem that happened.

    I've heard all kinds of negative press from other bike shops in the area who have down talked this group. But from personal experience from myself and three of my friends, we've never had an issue with them that hasn't been settled by simply bringing up our concern and how we'd like to have it handled and allowing for small degrees of compromise ... You know ... Being adults.

    • Upvote 1
  11. No, the argument that you presented to me was regarding the prison system and the treatment of prisoners, based on your experiences. Don't move the goalposts on me, bubby.

    Don't hate me because I'm beautiful, hate me because I'm right.


    Well it was meant to be specifically of those people who have been in favor of treating murders with more humane systems (swimming pools, ect) in hopes that it will be a better way to rehabilitate them, and make them productive members of society.

    I agree the non-violent crime thing we have is out of control, but I think you sign a confession that you killed someone, you're also agreeing to take on the accountability that comes with that signature of admitting guilt.

    As far as the War on XYZ, a lot of times I think it's just a stepping stone for further progression of widdling away the rights of people, as conspiracy minded as that sounds.


    1. Whatever goes upon 2 legs is an enemy.

    - The pigs start dealing with humans and end up walking on 2 legs.

    2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.

    - The pigs end up thinking any animal who walks on four legs or has wings in inferior.

    3. No animal shall wear clothes.

    - The pigs all end up wearing clothes.

    4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.

    - Squealer changes this to 'No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets' because they decided to sleep on the humans beds.

    5. No animal shall drink alcohol.

    - Squealer changes this to 'No animal shall drink alcohol to excess' and end up getting drunk often.

    6. No animal shall kill any other animal.

    - Squealer changes this to 'No animal shall kill any other animal without cause'. Napoleon sentences anyone who was thought to be plotting against him (though he has no evidence) to death. Boxer is sent off to be killed and turned into glue when he breaks a leg.

    7. All animals are equal.

    - Squealer changes this to 'All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others'. It is very obvious that the pigs come out on top and order everyone around.

  12. I see you're using the ol' "if you have a better idea..." defense. As a matter of fact, I do, and it one that just so happens to be supported by a plurality of Americans. Legalize marijuana and pull back 90% of the powers and regulations given during the war on drugs. No more civil forfeiture, ...

    My argument is concerning murders (OP) you came up with a way to legalize drugs and cut back on non-violent criminals in prisons, we're obviously on two different pages. :)

  13. This just in: Other countries have completely different ways of dealing with the incarceration and rehabilitation of inmates than the US.

    You know what the bigger joke is? The US has 10 PERCENT of the population, 30 MILLION people, currently behind bars in a prison system that's being used as a profit generator instead of a rehabilitation area. Maybe Norway's on to something.

    So wait a minute? I could kill off all the people that get on my nerves, those pesky people in traffic and those people who ride too close to me, the annoying cashier and the people who ask me stupid questions and be sent to a resort? .... The U.S. Is doing this all wrong! We could house all the homeless people who want to kill someone for just fractions on the dollar! Take on their problems, alcoholism, medical bills, ect AND they wouldn't have to live on the streets anymore!

    Toss in a new car for everyone drives something older than 2004 and free insurance and gasoline, we got plenty!

    Prison is a punishment, and if you've never worked around prisoners, you don't have clue-one what it would take to rehabilitate some of those people as opposed to just leaving them in there for the safety of other, law-abiding, people. I find it insulting to know that there are people in the U.S. that believe prisoners who are convicted, per confession, to murders of other people, to forcibly take away their option to live a life, should be treated better.

    What we run into in the U.S. is trying to treat everyone fairly, not taking away someone’s right to live a life but altering it so that their life can not directly negatively effect other people's lives. A lot of those people I'll admit can be products of their environment, to include friends, family, social status, and schooling.

    Some people wise-up in prison and realize they need to behave, some get second chances and some don't. Some people you'll hear talk about how they've changed for the better, found jesus and they now understand that they need to get their life together, get out of prison because their little child doesn't deserve a father that's in jail, they need to be their for their family. They get paroled. They kill someone, rob a place, or do any number of stupid acts within a week of being released and they're right back in jail, talking about how it'll be different next time...

    Every country is doing what it can to the best of it's ability given it's circumstances. Look at the overall demographics of a place before you try to compare apples to oranges and make sure the FACTS don't get blurred with your personal feelings or opinions, or what CNN or FOX 'news' feelings or opinions are on the subject matter. What works for Norway, China, Russia, Africa, isn't necessarily good for the U.S., or to go further Ohio, Michigan, California, Texas, ect.

    If you have a better plan, lay it out on paper, and present it, if you're not willing to make the effort to fix what you see is a problem but only take the road of 'bitch & moan until someone else does something' based on your 'ideas', you're no less of a problem than everyone else who answers the question of 'what's corrupt about government?' with 'you know, things and stuff and people, and religion and things, and stuff, I don't really wanna talk about it'.

    To take on something like this subject with surface thought of 'well we should do it like them' I just feel is really naive, not an attack against you personally Cheech, it was just the mentality that sets me off.


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  14. There is a comedian named Eddie Izzard and he does an awesome job of putting this into perspective.

    I can't access the transcript at work but it goes along these lines:

    "Pol pot killed. Million people, we can't even deal with that, if someone kills someone yo go to prison. You kill two people, you go to Texas, they hit you with a brick, three people, they look through a hospital window at you forever. Over that, we can't deal with it. Someone who's killed 1,000 people we're almost going, "Well done. You killed 1,000 people? You must get up very early in the morning. I can't even get down to the gym!"

    Pol Pot they put on house arrest.

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