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Posts posted by TMCGRAW

  1. As some here are advocating, stop thinking and start riding, I agree this works for some and up to a point. However, I fall in the other camp. Riding is a dangerous activity and I love doing it. I don't have a death wish, so I want to have fun and be as safe as possible while doing it. To help me accomplish this, I want to UNDERSTAND why things work and how to manipulate them to my advantage. Once I understand I can practice and refine my technique.

    Nothing worse than screwing up and not knowing why but thinking you do!

    Just to clarify I liked all of your input and a lot of your post; things I quoted above, I liked the most. Thanks for your 0.02!

  2. Best way I've ever seen this situation handled was a guy changed the locks on the house, and informed her (it cut out any posability of her getting a copy of the key made before returning it to him). When she came home, he reminded her she didn't live there anymore because he's only looking for people who stick by their word, and wanted her old key returned and to establish a date that would be best for her to rent a uhaul and remove all of her items from his house, because he didn't want to have to go through the court system, and wanted to remain civil.

    I have to admit the whole situation went over really smoothly because dates and terms were set and agreed upon. He wrote everything down and they both signed 'the agreement' and so they were both accountable to the other on dates and times.

    I think your biggest thing here is to kind of do a similiar thing. You're the guy who owns the house and should be in charge, just set terms/dates and expectations on those terms/dates. No reason you guys can't get out of this and still be friends in a few months, don't expect to go out for beers next Friday though, and make it very clear that once she is out there are no second chances, because you know second chances turn into third, and fourth, and fifth, and so-on, which is not conducive to a effective relationship so you don't want to even go down that road. You'll find someone else because you're going to be fine.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Thank you everyone!

    You're welcome for my service :). I wouldn't have traded the opportunity to serve for anything, really helped me to grow up and get a bigger picture of the world and how things work.

  4. I ended up selling the RR, so unless you want a fat kid trying to ride a unicycle down High St., I'll won't be doing escort this year. Let me know where you's can use me.

    Promise me this will happen and I'm in. Whatever spot you need me.

    Seriously, I will probably be participating in this just not sure as a cyclist or rider yet, dpeends on how my summer goes so I'll be a late register most likely. Just giving you a heads up. i'm going to keep checking back here ... I haven't cycled in a bit and need to get my legs back under me.

  5. I like that mentality, although some people would disagree. That was pretty much the plan when I got.the bike, just ride it and do what im comfortable with(although did.have that 1 oh shit moment, I was comfortable till then :) and I still had fun on my first long twisty trip, even after the lil slide) pretty much strong wind, high speeds(over55) and wet roads are the only thing that make me uncomfortable(some would disagree cuz I did panic once)

    Im still getting down the whole look where you wanna go thing, I do it 80% of the time, but I need to do it 100% of the time. Im gunna do some practice this weekend with a buddy so I can grasp the concepts better though, instead of.just going through the motions like a zombie :)

    Well like a lot of these guys mentioned there is no replacement for the MSF, maybe a track day could help out, I want to do one really bad and most likely will schedule one for this summer (buying my first house now, money is a bit tight, but like before mentioned, I'd be dumb to not take the oportunity to spend a mere $200 in relation to what it gets you knowledge wise (It's cheaper than a college class and you get way more out of it I bet)).

    There is also the parking lot drills ... I did so many parking lot drills it wasn't funny, I still do them, you absolutely can not practice enough, it's no different than anything else you do in life, practice makes ... Better.

    Anyone can go fast in straight lines.

  6. Sooooo I learned to ride on a litre bike, everyone said I'd kill myself and everyone else told me to wear gear and take it easy. End result: Best advice I ever got was from a friend of mine who told me simply, "Stop thinking about the differences the best scenario, who said what on what bike and just ride .... Stop thinking about everything and ride, ride everywhere, don't avoid anything just because you're not sure of it yet, ride within your limits without trying to think about what your limits are, just be comfortable, if you're comfortable on your bike at 60, then just ride at 60, if it's 20, ride at 20, just ride."

    I've learned the secret to cornering a bike is 75% "Eye on the prize" haha, and let your body do what it needs to to move the bike that direction.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Welcome to OR! Thanks for your service. I'm guessing you were in Bremerton and Kent WA? Got a buddy in the Navy there as well

    Bremerton, I was stationed on the U.S.S. John C. Stennis CVN74

  8. What's it like living with Faith Hill?

    You know sometimes when I read things like that, or someone says something to me at a store when they see my last name I forget what they're even referencing. Which is counter-intuitive since I do get it a lot.

    My first name is not Tim though, though it has been an affectionate nick name for most of my co-workers I've ever worked with and I do, sadly, respond to it most times haha.

  9. Hello! I'm new on here (obviously) and a buckeye native, recently returned home after serving five years with the U.S. Navy. I'm married, looking for a house and living and working in central Ohio now!

    I spent a lot of my time in Washington state when I wasn't out and about.

    I enjoy about everything that doesn't involve being inside, the world is my play ground haha. I have a 2005 gsxr1000 and enjoy riding around central Ohio here.

    Hope to learn a lot here and maybe learn some good spots to go with the bike and han out or get work done.

    I could currently use some help with suspension setup if anyone knows anyone? :). I work at a Land Rover dealer as a parts guy if anyone needs any help with anything.

    Enjoy your cold week!

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