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Everything posted by willie1321

  1. Is it leather or mesh? Does it have a removable liner? And any rips or stains? I see you put well worn but everyones opinion on that is a little different. Thanks
  2. Yea for some reason the drift events are not on their website. My buddy drifts there thats the only way i knew about it lol. There were cars there from ney york tho so people know about it somehow. From what i understand its every first sunday of the month
  3. We just took 800an the whole way. Kinda blew lol. We took 212 and shepler church back and that was way better. I believe they have this event every first sunday of the month. We'll be trying to go next month as well. It was fun and pretty gnarley.
  4. We shall be leaving for this shortly. Have about 4 or 5 riders already... any last minute joiners? Respond on here and we'll wait up!!
  5. I dont exactly hang out there haha. I show up for 45 minutes to an hour and check out the bikes. Yes theres a lot of harleys but theres also a few random awesome bikes as well. I have met 2 people to ride with also. Im lovin all the responses to this post! I just wanted to let people know about this becaude its something to do for an hour inbetween riding!
  6. i havent seen this posted yet on here so i just wanted to throw it out there... every wednesday the Quaker steak and lube in north canton by the strip has a huge bike night. venders and music and tons of bikes. ive been to everyone so far this year and theyre alot of fun and you get to meet some interested people. ill be there tonight!!! lots of cool custom bikes and lots of stock bikes. just a fun time! if you see me or my bike there any wednesday make sure you say hi and introduce yourself id really like to meet some riders off this forum! hopefully ill start seeing some of you there
  7. I wish i could make the ride but i wont be available til around 1 unfortunately. If anyone wants to ride around that time let me know!!!
  8. Im off saturday with only a few chores so if anyone in the canton area wants to meet up and ride lemme know!!!!!! No route in mind yet, up for discussion
  9. That sounds fine to me. Ive only been able to go out on hour or 2 long rides myself because of time so i understand and that works for me

  10. Hey i live in canton as well. If youd ever wanna putt around for a lil bit shoot me a message!

  11. I live in canton and pretty much everyday im off that its nice out ill be out riding around. I have a 79 cb750 cafe i try to stay off the main highways but any back roads or state routes im down.
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