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Posts posted by Dizzledan

  1. That's the plan. Anyone who can make it, should. First bikes there at 8:30, and we'll roll out at 9:05. There's a few gas stations on Westerville road coming both ways (a speedway, at Dempsey/Westerville), and a Certified station at Old Dublin Granville (161 exit)/ Westerville Rd. 


    Hop on 270S and pick up 33E and straight shot it from there. About 57 minutes says google. Probably keep it under 10 over the whole way, lots of cops last week when I was down there. 

  2. I'll be on this for sure. Most likely I'll be doing the group picture. After everyone gets into groups and is ready to go, you'll all get off of your bikes, line up in front of them, smile (or don't), and wait until I say 'done.' Apparently there was some confusion last year that led to a few groups leaving before I could gather them for a picture. Not this year. I'll be sure to mention it and spread the word while everyone's shooting shit before the ride. 

    • Upvote 1

    Also I don't know what turkey hill station your talking about? 


    there is also a kroger gas station but I'm sure most riders here are picky about gas like I am....


    Those are one in the same. I'm personally not picky about gas as long as it's not being pumped out of a pickup bed. 

  4. I did a little scout ride today of the route all the way up to 669 (I took 78 instead of grabbing 555/669). Not sure if anyone has figured out the logistics of the gas stop but here are my thoughts based on what I've found: 

    • Shell station on E. Canal is closed
    • BP station on E. Canal is closed
    • There is a Turkey Hill and a Speedway on E. Canal both with 12 pumps
    • The route will take us up Burr Oak Blvd to Buchtel where there is a 12 pump Marathon station out of the way.

    If you're leading a group and see both stations on Canal are full of bikes, keep following the route up Burr Oak Blvd. to the Marathon station. 

    • Upvote 1
  5. Pony-


    In terms of your sign-ups, I will be at the store this morning and can tell you how we did it at KTM if you'd like.  Essentially, we did it as follows:


    -Had a sheet for each 30 minute or 45 minute loop.

    -Listed every unit top down on the left side with a blank next to it.

    -Filled in the person's name on that blank under that sheet (Each loop had a sheet)

    -Person signed up with driver's license and signed waiver.

    -Person was instructed to show up for the rider's meeting 5 minutes prior to ride time.

    -Rider's meeting is key.  Allowed us to get a visual.  Also allowed us to release the riders and when they go to the bike, any cut in line folks were turned away.  But, it had exactly the correct number of riders to bikes.

    -We did a role call.  Each person had a lanyard that had all the models on it.

    -Anyone missing, we had a waiting list and that person was there early for any available slots.  We as staff knew who they were and knew when we had an opening.


    ***KEY*** - As soon as each rider was on their bike they were to ride, we punched the lanyard.  This told us that they've ridden each bike.  They had multiple opportunities, but had to be signed up.  If we were doing a dealer ride, we had waiting lines (Really only for MX/Off Road rides) under canopies with the model listed where they stood.


    -Lead and sweep goes out and comes back in, dealers talk and chat it up with potential customers...



    We typically booked the day within an hour...

    This sounds like a good idea. The weather Saturday was a double-edged sword; too wet to leave at first,  but no line to wait in for hours to ride. I ended up riding 4 times and never saw any line jumping or anyone left behind. 


    Video from the Gunner and Cross- Country: 

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