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Posts posted by Dizzledan

  1. Grammar Nazi. :nono:

    More like Grammar Priest. He's only trying to save a hopeless mess of words from becoming incoherent babble. Not quite the same as holding a gun to the guys head and shouting in German for not using a semi-colon correctly.

  2. Apart from the riders down, it was a beautiful day to ride and I enjoyed meeting new Ohio Riders.

    Big thanks to the Fast group and Will and the Medium group for helping out my brother when he went wide and ate it. We limped it home all right.

    I'm hoping someone caught video of the act, if you did, please post it up.


    He's fine, a little friction rash on his elbow, the jacket and bike took most of the damage.

    I was walking around with the DSLR and GoPro, so I'll start a new Epic Ride Media thread in a day or so for everyone to dump stuff in one place.

  3. Something got lost in translation on the ride posted. The route stays on 555 & does not go off on 337. This helps simplify the route & makes it shorter if only by three miles. I know for certain 337 should NOT be ran with a group going north. If everyone wants 337 in the route I guess we could live with it but the route HAS to be ran the opposite direction. I don't know 93 in that area or the other roads but I do know 555 and to a small extent 337. A small group of us ended up on that road last year after we had put in about 350 miles already. We were tired & had backed the pace down a notch. I remember a few curves that caught me by surprise & made me uncomfortable getting through them. At the same pace as described above the questionable curve on 555 wouldn't be an issue.

    I have to finish going over the video, I don't remember anything too unpredictable from 337. What you're saying is it wasn't intended to be on the route at all? So the map should read like this: http://goo.gl/maps/hLvNE

  4. Did you complete the route in four hours?

    I've got 3h 14m of footage start to stop, but we flaked on the last 40 or so miles of the ride. I would call it 4h at least. Definitely 5 with grouping up, pictures, pre-ride talks.

    The blind turn near the cemetary you were concerned about, is a non-issue because it's not part of the ride route. I've added it in here as stop 'G' for visual reference:

    Google Maps

  5. Made it home okay. It was a nice medium paced ride, our eyes keen for gravel/sand/roadkill/good ol' boys in trucks. I'll fab up a ride report and give video of the turns to make it easier for the leads/sweeps. Thanks Jackflash and FIJI for riding around today.



  6. what are some of the roads to watch out for? besides all of them of course haha

    Uncle Punk says:

  7. I was tooling around on 664 a little bit north of the meet spot, roads weren't that good at all. A lot of dirt and sediment still hiding in the corners, a few orange barrels and metal plates.

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