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Posts posted by Bitani

  1. That's ridiculous.

    But honestly, I think this is the way ALL vehicles are going to be down the road; what with all of the electric cars/bikes. When you get your first electric bike (which in the next 30 years, I assure you it'll probably be your only choice at some point), do you want to be dead quiet or have even a fake sound so people hear you?

    It's just when they try and make BIKES drive by themselves that I'm going to be pissed.

  2. If you're up for being flexible, as I'm working at Best Buy as well (currently 17), I'd be more than willing to work part-time for you. Be cool to work with (for) a fellow rider! Where's the applications?

    Plus: Damn, I love frozen yogurt.

    I'm also pretty skilled with websites/web hosting things as well, if you need any help with that sort of thing.

  3. nope....hell don't even say its performance. Suggest to them you are taking an advanced instructional riding course on a closed private track

    I like that better. All about the talk, right? :p

    Think about this for a minute, hypothetically... lets say you can get collision AND trackday coverage for an extra $500/yr with a $1000 deductible.



    Unless your last name is Rossi, DiSalvo, Hayden, or Stoner, you'll likely keep it upright and have fun at the track. So, the cashflows breakdown as follows if you GET insurance.

    Y1: -$500 vs. $0

    Y2: -$500 vs. $0

    Y3: -$500 vs. $0

    Now, let's say you lowside at the top of the keyhole at MidO in Y4. Plastics and new controls run you $2500 from the OE.

    Y4: -$1500 + $2500 vs. $-2500 but all added up, you've already "donated" $1500 to the insurance the prior years, so all in all, you're still $-500 in the hole with insurance using that hypothetical situation.

    Not to mention if you claim it on your insurance, a $2500 accident may likely 'total' a 2003 Kawi, so you won't have a clean title anymore which makes resale value plummet. And now YOU have a claim on your insurance record which may or may not affect your rates.

    Point being, you should probably do some calculations based on the adjusted new premium and deductible they're quoting you to see if it's really worth it. Insurance may be worth it if you wreck your bike soon after you get it, but not so much later.

    Interesting perspective. Insurance is just a 'promoted' "You need this" sort of thing in my mind at this point, I suppose.

    I'll think on that more.

    My bike was $3,000 and if I were to get raised insurance, I'd go straight for the $100 deductible. Right now, at 17 years old, I've already been quoted $195/month for that. (vs. $60/month right now.)

    So each year, that'd be like $1,500 more just in insurance. 2 years, I could have a new bike.

    The only problem I have is that I like the fact that the insurance would ALSO cover daily riding as well. Assuming it covered track as well, that'd be a double win.

    I'm going to assume the BEST option would be to get a dedicated track bike if I could afford one. But at this point, I can't.

    And plus, from what I've read, crashing is VERY typical at track days. Do you really think, as a new rider, I'd be able to stay up throughout a whole year of track days? (Not a rhetorical question. I'm actually curious.)

  4. Or, if you wreck at the track, pay for the damages yourself and just chalk it up to the cost of playing with your big boy toys? :dunno: Seems pretty simple.

    I'm willing to do that if all else fails, but if there's a cheaper alternative I'm always open to it. Plus, I currently don't have any collision. If there's a chance of adding collision going to the track days as well, it's a double win.

    If you can't find someone I'll put you in touch my with guy. Most if you call it "performance riding instruction" you can get away with

    Yeah, I figure it's all about the wording. I'll ask my insurance company beforehand. Should I call it a track day while asking? "Performance riding instruction track day"? :D

  5. I've been looking around, as I'll be taking my bike to the track next year, and I'm trying to find an insurance company that will insure a bike on the track. It appears that this is something that varies GREATLY between companies.

    Does anybody know of any insurance companies that do insure bikes for track days?

  6. Self proclaimed nerd? Cause that was a pretty ignorant statement... Also, food for thought, I have an iPhone that is jailbroken and can do everything your little "Tech Savy" Android phone can do... And yes, I was jailbreaking iPhones (iPhone 2G v1.1.4) when you actually had to do work (not just press a button).

    **End Rant**

    To answer the question at hand, it all depends on your "Eco System". If you use iTunes already and are vested in app purchases, songs, and video, then the iPhone is the way to go. However, If you are heavily reliant on google (use a lot of Google apps and/or Google voice) than Android is going to be your best bet (iTunes does have apps for these but most suck).

    Also, something else to think about... Are you planning on getting a tablet? If you are and are going to go with an iPad, than get the iPhone. If you are getting an Android based Tablet than go with the Android based phone.

    End result is the same, all phones now-a-days are very close in specs and features. Yes, there are little things that may be missing from one or the other but that doesn't change the fact that they are all are very close.

    Can you access its filesystem easily, even jailbroken? *Checkmate* (Unless I'm wrong.)

    I never said "You CAN'T do 'nerd' things on an iPhone." Mine was jailbroken as well. Regardless if you can, it's not as easy to do said things. And you STILL can't do as much. Hell, with Android, you can [basically] make your own operating system. Apple is a proprietary mess of #!$% and even jailbroken, at least from my iPhone experience, you're still stuck with memory-hogging iTunes to change/add anything.

    If you like being restricted to Apple's will, that's your prerogative. I just find iOS almost TOO dumbed-down. Just because I say they are right for "technological idiots" doesn't mean that a technologically competent person shouldn't have one.

  7. How I've always explained it to people:

    iPhones are for the technological idiots. If you haven't ever heard the word 'ping' or know what RAM is, it's probably for you.

    Droids are for people who want the most out of their phone. You can do so much more when you know what you're doing.

    So, for my vote, as a nerd, Droid. (I've had an iPhone for a full year+, and Droid for probably 3. So I'm not just spouting.)

  8. Alrighty, so everybody loves the picture games that people post on forums right? Well, I'm a member of another forum, and the members there loved theirs as well so I made an entire website based around that game. Original post from that forum:

    The website, after I'd say a month and a half and maybe 100-150 hours of working on it, (straight HTML, PHP and CSS), is COMPLETE. And I need guinea pigs to test it out before full release.

    Moto Picturing

    Register an account here: Moto Picturing

    The picture game posted on this forum and other forums is fun, but cluttered with irrelevant comments and too streamlined to have more than one 'game' going at once. So, for anyone, being most everyone, that missed the topic before I started making this website, I made this website to continue that picture game but in a more organized way. Beyond that, all of the picture game players from every forum can come together on this game.

    How it works:

    There's tasks, submitted by users via 'Suggest a new task', and each task has its own page. Pictures are posted for each task by its corresponding task page. The primary, meaning 1st picture accepted for each task, picture gets all of the points listed for the task. Any pictures submitted after that picture are 'secondary pictures', and get half the points (rounded down).

    A comment system is set up on each task page for the 'community', though a message board is possible should enough requests be made for one. (There's a Send Feedback link at the bottom right that I highly encourage you to use if you use the website.)

    The tasks under 'Available Tasks' are removed once a primary picture has been accepted, but until it expires secondary pictures are still allowed to be posted. All completed tasks go under 'Recent Activity' in the 'Pictures' tab.

    Each user has a profile page listing their most recent pictures and comments. Each user also gets their own avatar, which can be changed under Edit Settings.

    There's a Members page listing all members, which is searchable, and on first page load always goes by who has the most points. (Points are obviously the incentive.)

    So, yeah, it's all pretty self-explanatory - too much to explain in one forum post. I don't know how the reactions will be for the website, but with all of the picture games posted I can imagine there's SOME demand for it. I made it with 'GeoCache' in mind, if anyone's ever done that. People post tasks, others go do it.

    Comments? Questions? Suggestions?

    Extra note: If anybody likes this website and is a member of other forums or real-life motorcycle groups, has motorcycle friends, etc. it'd be awesome if you could help me get the word out on this website. I'm not a member of any other forums or many motorcycle groups, so I have very little connections myself in that respect.

  9. LOL, I saw you as you were leaving. You were riding with another bike, you had just gone by Speedway. I was going in the opposite direction. Welcome to OR. Hope you learned a lot at your course!

    That's awesome. :D

    Yeah, it was another guy from the class showing me where I-75 was lol. Black R1.

    I did, actually. I took the BRC before, same thing but on my own bike, and realized how hard slow-speed crap is. So today I'm going out and getting tennis balls, cutting in half, and using them as cones for my own practices. :p

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