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Everything posted by Bitani

  1. Sweet, so maybe I don't even have to break out the torrents.
  2. Haha in its defense I've never actually watched it. It takes a lot for me to watch a show because I end up loving most of them. Got to save my time! Enough people keep raving about TWD and I may just have to pop out the torrents, though.
  3. Alright, now let's talk about a good show. Game of Thrones, anyone?
  4. Looks like another order is due. Except perhaps this time you should use PayPal or something so that you don't spend your own money just to have shirts sit there.
  5. And if you put any up again, I'm in as well!
  6. Guys I'm riding with: Yeah, we'll head up to Hueston Woods. Me: Okay. Do you see anything about "State park" or anything in that conversation? Excuse me for not caring about signs that say "Welcome to <Insert location here>." They're not usually a wealth of information. I didn't know where I was. I'd never been there before. I did see 25 mph signs, but to say that nobody on this site should pass the speed posted on those signs would be a statement of the utmost hypocrisy. HAD I known where I was they might have held more importance to me. I'm going to send you a PM. I'm done with this on this thread. I've never cared much for public arguments; already had my fair share about political views on Facebook.
  7. I'm willing to admit I was wrong in going that fast. But I also had no idea it was a state park, and I hadn't made the connection between that and tons of people going there with young ones. And to say that I made anything clear is a dumb statement considering the fact that you obviously didn't read the OP very well anyways. I said I went way over what the people I was riding with were going - they were going the 10 over I mentioned. Which, yes, I now see was wrong. The only things I said in my post were "ranger" and "Hueston Woods." When I went to court for the first time I didn't even know what a prosecutor was. Bite me for not knowing shit that I've never had to deal with. I didn't make the connection between even "ranger" and "Hueston Woods" to be a state park with families. The same deal. In no way did I "make it obvious" that I knew where I was or what was around me. I didn't say in my story "And I passed this little 5-year-old boy at 100 mph - the look on his face was priceless!" All you had to say was "Dude, don't do that. There are kids there, including my son." And guess what? I would have said "Alright. I didn't realize it was even a state park at first. Sorry man." If I would have said "HA HELL NO BRO" then by all means treat me like a damn child. But nah. You had to be a dick about it. And to keep acting like you're not being a dick is fucking ridiculous. You're putting words in my mouth, acting as if I'm some heartless bastard. "Maybe you'll feel differently.." Don't act like I'm a regular fucking 18-year-old, low-IQ testosterone junkie who smokes weed every second of my day and doesn't care about anybody but himself. If I was do you think I'd even bother joining a forum where everybody is a responsible rider? Or would I be out with some dude I met at a stop sign racing cops at stoplights? I'm getting really sick of people on this forum acting like my age is a deciding factor in how mature I am or how I ride. Yeah, I make mistakes and don't know things - even basic things; I don't have the experience of you geezers. But at least try and tell me something without trying to step into the shoes of God himself and see how I respond before you attack and threaten me. If you think all 18-year-olds "these days" are the same I might just surprise you.
  8. From the responses in this thread I wasn't going to race through Hueston Woods anyways. But... I didn't start anything with you. How about you "use your fucking head for more than a hat rack" and notice that I was asking about Hueston Woods before doing anything further. Saying that I didn't even know if there was more than one road there pretty much screams that I barely have a clue what the area is. I hadn't even thought of it being a state park until I made the thread. As stupid as that is, and I realize that, it doesn't give you the right to attack me without any provocation. If you thought I was a "nice kid," you wouldn't act like a jackass and threaten me without even knowing if I was going to go back to Hueston Woods. Making threats doesn't make your e-penis any bigger. So no, we're not fucking "good." Not that we even had anything going before your idiotic post for you to ask me that. If I didn't have any respect for you, I would have attacked you back. But I'm honestly fucking offended you decided what my decision was on the matter for yourself. Never once did I say "OH YEAH I'MA GO BACK THERE AND RACE LULS."
  9. Dayum. Did you DO A BARREL ROLL? http://www.collegehumor.com/video/5633958/star-fox-in-iraq
  10. kin i do this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXhcoubTNu4
  11. No! But that'd be breaking the law. I sure hope nobody on this forum would ever even think about going faster than what the sign on the side of the road says. And $300 is pretty much exactly what I was thinking I was looking at. Cool. Now to just figure out a makeshift ramp to get the bike into my minivan and I'm golden. (Perhaps I should just trailer up with somebody else from the forum to avoid Soccer Mom Syndrome.)
  12. Putnam Rd? St? How do I find it? Just kidding. Already planned on this year being my first track day! Just can't decide between Putnam and Mid-O. And speaking of which, (I'm sure the topic will change now...) how much would you say I should expect to spend each track day beyond just the cost to go? I've already got the gear. Thanks! I'll pass him a note. And I know no public roads are "safe," but some are definitely "safer" than others. And track days can't be every day, or cheaper.. unfortunately.
  13. Short and sweet. I've kind of figured that, but figured somebody might have been keeping a little pot of street gold to themselves. If all else fails, NKY erryday I'm free it is.
  14. And by safe, I mean "I don't want a ticket." Yesterday was the first day I went to Hueston Woods, and the roads were freaking amazing. I was riding with 3 other people, but they were only going max 10 mph above the posted (I wasn't willing to ride my hardest at 45 degrees and a wee bit salty either, but dang...) Theoretically, let's say I were to have broken off from them and gone a "little" faster through the turns. And let's say a ranger, should that ever happen, would pass by and throw on the red and blues. I would never, ever keep going and hide out for a few minutes. Ever. That kind of story is why I was a good boy and stayed with the group... Are rangers a normality in Hueston Woods to the point of hard riding there being a bad idea? I'm not even sure if the only road there is the one, but I figure I might as well ask before going back and.. y'know. It's close enough that I could make it my daily twisty ride if that area has more roads than just the one we were on. And what are other roads around Dayton/SW Ohio that are good rides? I tried scouting out the ones that were ridden a few months ago with a group of OR at Caesar's Creek, but I could find little. And the only other stuff I know is like 2 miles of roads in Germantown. I need to widen my list! Or am I just better off going down to NKY erryday?
  15. Wait, there was a gun in that video?
  16. Saw one of these right after they shipped out. Dude had waited a few months on pre-order. I might have killed him and raped the bike if we weren't at a large intersection.
  17. I've got $23.34 I could put towards it.
  18. Prayers out to both you and the friend's family. Sorry for the losses, man. Luckily, at the least, it's almost the time where you can clear your head at high speeds!
  19. Now somebody you ride with just needs to get "HERRP" and you'll be set.
  20. Kind of a redundant statement. "Reposts are a way of life on the Internet, they're fine, but.. This one's not." I don't know if it had been posted before, but like everything that went viral I'd take a guess it's hidden somewhere from before. Sorry if I offended anybody, but I don't see how this "shows how young I am." Not sure if it was meant as an insult, but if so it's a petty one. This forum's filled with adults, kind of goes with having to be one to even ride on the street. It doesn't ruin my day to see what actually goes on in the world. I didn't like the "Taliban shooting video" that was posted a few months ago, it disgusted me, but I didn't bitch and moan about it or tell the OP "you're reminding me how old and conservative you are." Editing the first post with the sole intention of not being the forum dickhead.
  21. I mean, I could post much worse that I've found. You see worse than this just turning on the news. If there was a "NSFW" equivalent for "this is completely inhumane, do not watch if you love puppies" I would have put it.
  22. I saw this quite a while back, probably 2 years ago, but just somehow ran across it again in my YouTube browsing... Hopefully not a repost, as I've never seen it on here myself. Either way, you can never not get pissed watching this, no matter how many times. Do not watch if you can't handle animal violence, especially if it involves puppies. http://tinyurl.com/2dl6e3j
  23. Bad day for the workers there, I'm sure.
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