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Everything posted by Koreo

  1. Boy were you right, Scott. Thanks for warming it up for me too Motor sounded awesome for a 3 cyl. Would love to hear one with an aftermarket exhaust. Steering was real good, nice and tight. Low seat height was good too. Upper gears? I never got out of 4th! Lol. But no, when we turned onto red bank, I got to open it up a bit and thought I was going a bit faster than I actually was because of all the wind and just how quick it is. I actually got a little intimidated. I kept it standard and still tucked getting on it in 2nd and 3rd to keep it down. Honestly, I didn't like the cluster placement. I couldn't shift just my eyes down to see it, I had to completely move my head. Eh, maybe not that big of a deal but just something that I particularly care for. Also, it could use some rearsets IMO. When we switched bikes, my right foot had a feel. Again, not a big deal but just something I would do to make it a little more comfortable. Great bike, great price. I have gropro of the whole ride on the FZ and the bolt
  2. Koreo

    Zombie question

    If a zombie apocalypse happened in Vegas..
  3. Apa 8 ball tournament at 8ball sports bar tonight
  4. No, they said it will be fixed and be back as a demo bike. Thats the only purpose of it
  5. Well pooey. I bought my 2013 back in February
  6. Just so everyone knows. The bike is broked. Some guy dropped it last night.
  7. sandbagging is very common in APA. Just make sure whenever you're keeping score that you are marking down all defensive shots and what not. Like i said before, something that I've learned... Either do really well at the bottom of the totem pole (3, 4), or get your ass handed to you by legit 5 and 6s if you move up to that and aren't ready for it. Since moving up to a 4 I've played a couple 5s. One beat me 3-0. Complete shut out. I beat the other but it was hill-hill
  8. Here's another read for ya.. http://www.poolplayers.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/HowYourHandicapisCalculated.pdf
  9. its going to go all over the place since you just started. Since you're new, I'd say... stay a 3 as long as you can.. until you are confident and skilled enough to keep up with the big dogs. and those 5s that shoot like shit might be what we call "sand baggers" play shitty intentionally to lower their skill level. As a 3, I was playing like 4 and now that I'm a 4, I've been shooting like a 5 and my captains been pissed because I joined to team to stay a lower level and steal games
  10. the exact formula that determines your skill level is unknown but it all depends on your Innings, defensive shots and winnings. The less innings, the less defensive shots and the more wins, you're going up. Guy start out as 4 girls - 3 If you lose your first match you go down. I lost my first one back in Janurary and have been a 3 ever since then until about a month ago. Now I am a 4 and on track to go up to a 5 with the way I've been playing lately.
  11. Have you played in APA before?
  12. possibly looking for a couple more players to join APA team next session. Northwest/Hillard area, exact location to be determined.
  13. Saw this on facebook. You guys can keep my 300. I take this home tomorrow instead
  14. Got mine replaced weeks ago. I am now getting a new motor though
  15. Well today now I guess. Anyone have a truck and able to help me take my bike to Iron Pony tomorrow? I am in Dublin
  16. Ive recently picked up a low deflection, Tiger X shaft for my Viking cue. Relearning how to shoot with a LD shaft took awhile. I love it now though and wouldn't have it any other way. Also, if your looking for a budget but really nice jump/break. Check out the Players JB5/6 (same thing, ones black and ones a sneaky pete) Its a jump break that comes with a super hard phenolic tip. Only thing harder is a glass tip i believe. Jumps really good too. Cue can be had for 80-100 bucks. Here's a good jumpshot, just messing around one night.
  17. Me me me me! Where do you shoot out of? I am a 5 in APA. Play 8 on mondays, double jep on wednesday and NAPA on thursday when they need me.
  18. bueller... got my bearings.. still looking for someone to help out
  19. Koreo

    The Top 10%

    Because its non biased unlike american shit
  20. Just about everyday it seems like. Hopefully no one on here http://www.nbc4i.com/story/23382039/one-in-critical-condition-after-motorcycle-crash?fb_comment_id=fbc_688324651194999_91518904_688332637860867
  21. Lol. Hey I didnt know either. LOl That was someones elses post from the thread. I just saw the pictures and 1+1= shit fucked up. I got my bearings today though so...
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