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Everything posted by Koreo

  1. shit i get off work at 1. =\ i can be at IP at 1:20?
  2. why not just turn your phone off when were riding? not like you use it to text and ride
  3. in if i dont have to work
  4. Oh it wasnt timed or anything. just fucking around. It was after they shut down for the day and took away all the cones. The lines on the course were still down. Ive dragged feet on the street before. I'm getting yoshi rear set brackets to move the rear sets back and up a bit. (80 bucks)
  5. haha what do you know. when on a drive with a few car friends.. next to a geek squad bug
  6. right. thats what i was tinking.. haha
  7. wait, am i missing something
  8. a few more rolling shots Went to IFO yesterday and they had an autocross course setup. At the end of the day after they had packed all the cones up and what not I took a few laps. Dragging feet and pegs. need to get some aftermarket rear sets
  9. fuuuuu i just got to school and took a picture
  10. im off saturday so ill be down for cruising
  11. I'm down. I still have credits for the touchtunes at UA pub i still need to use
  12. Hey!I see my bike That black tank piece looks a lot better. Like you said, it definitely pops out more
  13. cant make it out really but if you look its directly behind my bike.. sall i got fer now
  14. I got this 2 secs.. do you acutally need to see the sign? will this work?
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