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Posts posted by Kmanlyst

  1. It is running rich the plugs are fouled i would get a new set of plugs,make sure the float needle valves are not stuck and the float moves free...

    new set of plugs are in, float needles and valves move free I check those when the carbs were off diaphragms looked good.

  2. Wondering if I should do a dyno day this year. Wondering if I should take a 1 year break from it. My fear is dyno days might be not have the same interest as before.


    Some were asking about it at the meet up yesterday.

  3. This is a "learning experience".

    I know, just would like it better if it were a learning experience that wasn't a month away from the group ride. At this rate if I keep on working on it it will be down the whole season lol.

  4. If the seafoam helped some, you may have moisture in the fuel. I know you said it was fresh. Is the bike parked outside?

    Another thing to look at, (long shot) but make sure there are not any foreign objects in the exhaust blocking flow creating extra back pressure. I had an issue with that thanks to my two year old...

    Does the bike drive? I am also in Hilliard. Not a certified expert, but willing to help for beer. Mmmmmmmm, beeeer....

    Can't get the bike to move far before it stalls out on throttle. It has been parked outside off and on after the storage unit incident. When running it yesterday exhaust did feel like there were any obstructions.

  5. If the tank petcock is like most, it has screens on it to act as filters. I don't see a need for an additional filter. I don't even put them on my ATVs.

    Actually after digging some I did find the fuel filter. It is inside the fuel inlet . It is a tiny screen inside the black plastic fuel nipple.


  6. A lot of advise here !

    If it runs with the choke on,but stalls when full off !!!

    You need to take the carbs out and clean them.

    It's not a hard job,but time consuming.

    I did my wife's and it ran perfectly after that.

    The bike runs with the choke off, I can rev it up to 4.5k rpm and it stalls. I think I am going to add a gravity fed fuel filter while I am at it seeing as the 250 doesn't have one.

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