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Everything posted by Kmanlyst

  1. Man I'd love to come along,but I have to work from 6am to 6pm.
  2. Thanks for the turn out guys,next time we will have to do a place other people would like to go to. And sorry about my slow ass 250 lol.
  3. Lol yeah your good Dennis.
  4. I'm talking about the BP station btw.
  5. Yeah,near the Walmart.
  6. 7 sounds good,anyone else coming?
  7. Giving this info to my wife. She is looking for a new job Walmart management is getting to be too much doesn't really use her degree.
  8. I'd say around 7:30-8:00 right when it peaks.
  9. I have Twist of the Wrist 1 & 2,my father begged me to read these for our trip to Deals Gap next year and for BYOB 2013. Very interesting read if you get the time.
  10. Welcome to the wild and crazy show that is OR!
  11. That BP right there just off the exit next to MattressFIRM works for me.
  12. Same reason I am working a shit load of overtime next week. I need new jacket,helmet and boots and a new rear tire and a fender eleminator lol.
  13. What's a good midway meeting point for everyone?
  14. I need a new jacket after that damn dog attacked me a tore up my last one lol.
  15. LoL go mom. I haven't gone as far as asking family for stuff,learning somethings are just going to have to wait.
  16. Mine is more trying to buy all my upgrades at once and not spacing it out and something's have to be brand name. I have become better about it,but sometimes it is so tempting.
  17. Are you serious? I know next season I am thinking about a ZX6R.
  18. Yeah but she has good reason I am very bad with money.
  19. I'm cheap (my wife hates when I spend way too much online) so I get standard shipping.
  20. A mounted policeman was on his horse waiting to cross the street when a little girl stopped beside him on her shiny new bike. Nice bike," the cop said, "Did Santa bring it to you?" "Yep," the little girl said, "He sure did!" The cop looked the bike over and handed the girl a $20 ticket for a safety violation, saying, "Next year tell Santa to put a reflector light on the back of it." The young girl looked up at the cop and said, "Nice horse you got there sir, did Santa bring it to you?" "Yes, he sure did," chuckled the cop. The little girl looked up at the cop and said, "Next year tell Santa the dick goes underneath the horse, not on top.
  21. 83,mostly sunny with a 10% chance of showers.
  22. They get 90% of my business because they always have what I am looking for,and I would much rather drive 15min then wait 1-2 weeks for my stuff by online order.
  23. Yeah sorry about that,had to head to High St by campus before the wife called me home. You going to be there tomorrow?
  24. Love my 250,just put a Danmoto Carbon GP slip on exhaust on yesterday. Like I said not upset about the decals was just curious.
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