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Everything posted by Kmanlyst

  1. BP gas station on Morse Rd near the Easton Mall we usually meet around 7pm.
  2. Honestly I don't care where we ride just as long as we ride lol I guess QS&L can be our pre ride staging area decide from there where we want to go.
  3. Kmanlyst

    Beer Pics

    Just had myself a bottle of Columbus Brewing Co IPA, wasn't too bad.
  4. All good Seth,I just want to see if the the others would like to make this the norm for the rest of the riding season.
  5. Like I said with the nice weather going soon would rather spend my time riding than sitting in a parking lot lookin at bikes.
  6. You know we could start the group ride off from QS&L following you to Dublin after you break off to go to work the rest of the group can continue the group ride. Just an idea.
  7. I mean we can stop by QS&L two of the guys joining the group might want to check it out,stay for like an hour or so then head off for a group ride.
  8. Guys I started a new post for us central fellas check it out give me your feed back.
  9. The red is the reflective material shining back at the camera,and if you still have the black one send me a pm.
  10. Just throwing this out there instead of going to bike night why not get our group ride going instead while the weather permits it. Still meet up at our usual place and time. Only saying this because it seems to be the only time we can all get together lol.
  11. That group is usually at the 7-11,bright pink with pink engine leds I think its a GSXR.
  12. Kmanlyst


    Welcome to the madness from a fellow FNG.
  13. Kinda lost faith in the loud pipes today after that van. lol
  14. same,was just using a general time lol.
  15. Sad news, I really don't get what destination is more important than taking 2-3min to throw on a helmet. Thoughts and prayers to the family. :rip:
  16. Sounds like a plan,I'll shoot you a text.
  17. BP on Morse Rd (Easton) meet around 7:00 and wait until 7:15 then head out. I am usually there at 6:40-6:50 riding from Hilliard.
  18. Its up finally but unlisted,the Vegas 11 and I had a fight I got cranky and pissed and said screw it for now not like we broke any laws.....well any major ones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F16YFN8b4Us&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  19. uploading now will be done in 164min lol
  20. You sir rock! Thank you.
  21. Do not lose faith I am finalizing the video now. Wish it was more automated process that you could select to blur things instead of having to do it all frame by frame and making sure it all matches up.
  22. About damn time. Welcome!
  23. Talking to my wife,going to need a washer and dryer when we move. Going to see if we can pick it up now or wait until we move.
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