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Everything posted by Brownsfan1

  1. Sorry to hear about your friend.
  2. My problem is that work has taken over and everything is just sand right now.
  3. Nice video. I need more roads like the one in the video down here.
  4. Brownsfan1


    Couldn't have said it better.
  5. I love my LED, I have no burn in from gaming.
  6. I was just stating that out of frustration after reading the article. I have a question though, When somebody is sentenced the death penalty is the executioner a bad person?
  7. Dumb bitch. She should suffer a slow and painful death.
  8. Thanks. I might take your advice on playing the lottery this was one of the wierdest incidents I have had on the road.
  9. It's ok, now that I am looking back at the incident and I'm ok it is kind of funny.
  10. Wow this is proof that America is going to hell in a handbasket due to dumb lawsuits. You can't fix stupid.
  11. Out riding the other day on the spyder when a car in the opposing lane hit a pot hole and slung its autozone pos fake chrome spinner hub cap right into my leg. That shit hurt at 50 mph had all the proper gear on thank god, but my left leg has a big old bruise on it from where the hub cap hit and my left fender is going to need repainted. I hate those cheap ass hub caps. I'll post pics if I get a chance.
  12. Whats next for the music industry? The talent level of main stream music is a joke now this. I miss the days when the artist actually used instruments not computers.
  13. Sorry my respose took so long. I couldn't get my friend on the phone.

  14. He says that the veloster is a good car he hasn't seen many problems with them or warrenty issues like recalls.

  15. Brownsfan1


    This is possible if the Browns get their shit together and learn how to finish the game. I'm so sick of the sportcasters saying the any team that plays the Browns should beat them. Looking at the stats T-Rich has a good chance to run all over the Ravens. Their run defense has not been stellar. Our defense has to contain Ray Rice and put the pressure on Flacco who in my opinion is overrated.
  16. Kids now days, You reprimand them. You get sued.
  17. Brownsfan1

    New Toy

    Congrats on the new bike.
  18. You sound like you have me beat. I am on call 24/7 365 Phone rings no 2 hours to report it is more like asap, but I'm not gone for 36-54 hrs.
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