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Everything posted by baggyp

  1. I'm interested, as long as you still have some room.
  2. I have one and I love it. My friend and I went half on the set and it worked out great. By the way, their is an update online to new firmware. Most likly it will not come with the newest.
  3. baggyp

    first gun

    For home defense, Glock (19 for small hands) is the way to go (or a revolver). Limited extra safety features to think about in high stress situation, you squeeze the trigger and it shoots, simple for a gun noob. For fun, 22LR Mosquito by Sig Sauer. Just figured I would throw some Glock support in since it's the outcast gun ;(
  4. Send friend request.. Playing tonight...
  5. It was an awesome show, fracking great!!!
  6. I have dropped some cash in that place, but if you want to try something on and make sure it fits and you like it, its the price you pay. I am probably stopping in there within the next few days to pick a pair of Icon boots, they are the same price in store and on Ebay/online.
  7. Gamertag is same as here.... I pretty much only play COD MW3, and some Black Ops Zombies! It's an addiction I can't seem shake!!
  8. I'd go back and edit your number out too!!
  9. On N. Bank Dr off of Arlington Centre there are baseball fields with parking lots, that would probably be a safe place to start.
  10. This!! And all of the sudden you have everyone who gets a ticket thinking they are a lawyer and trying to take it to trial, mostly wasting city money due to feeling "the car had no markings that's not fair".
  11. Most departments don't have many strictly surveillance vehicles, but even then they have lights and sirens. It's the STING vehicles that have nothing in them (except a camera or two). Most UC cars you actually see have LED's that are very small and unnoticeable. The current ones in use go in the headlights and change red/blue and they are brighter than overhead takedowns.
  12. Det, UC, taskforce, OSHP spec ops....... Yes a lot of cars are out there, you just don't always know about them.
  13. That's a great outlook. If that's how you truly feel why join a online community of riders?
  14. I have a Scala G9 and always have something playing. I can hear all around me and the quality is great!!
  15. I see HD riders that don't wave or acknowledge anyone else but HD riders, but I had one that still makes me mad every time I think of it. I just got my bike within a week. I go out for a ride and am stopped at a light. I see what looks to me like an older Honda ( I was a few cars deep ) I wave ( I would have waived no matter what ). So the guy looks at me ( older larger guy on a very small bike, Sportster I think ) and get all sorts of upset and then underlines with his hand the Harley Davidson logo on his tank. That kinda left a bad taste in my mouth for HD owners.
  16. Hello all, Moved to the Dublin area about 2 months ago and decided to get back on a bike. Went to A. D. Farrow and took the RidersEdge class. Still working out the bugs but getting better every time I ride.
  17. At home and out. I also use a Blackhawk IWB every once and awhile. http://i1151.photobucket.com/albums/o631/baggyp22/IMG_20120831_1810241.jpg Work http://i1151.photobucket.com/albums/o631/baggyp22/IMG_20120831_1811101.jpg
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