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Everything posted by Medina

  1. oh god, coming home from Pa one time a few months back, saw a group of 4-5 dudes all wearing "Sons of Anarchy" "OHIO" vests. no. really. All of them. At first I thought "oh crap....bikers", then the lulz sat in. leaned back on the back rest, put the feet on the highway pegs, put the cruise control on and blasted the music and started to sip my coffee. waved at each of those weirdos' using the hand holding the cell phone.
  2. https://www.google.com/#sclient=psy-ab&q=brown+goo+waterwetter&oq=brown+goo+waterwetter&gs_l=hp.3...4364.4364.1.4647.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48340889,d.aWc&fp=e6982711e530edd4&biw=1280&bih=907 lots of reports of it
  3. its more effective alone. as to the goo, its been documented over on the gold wing site- no one suggests using it for that reason. that goo can build up. run antifreeze, change it yearly, if you have overheat problems, address those. waterwetter is superior for racetrack where you can't dump slippery toxic AF on the ground if you wreck
  4. maybe, just maybe- young enough to forget, or block it out.
  5. I slid the slider thing past "those" parts honestly. the older I get, the less crap like that I can stomach. A gun...would have made little to no difference, count the SECONDS from door kicking in to that piece of shit punching. A dead bolt system would have probably given enough time to GET a gun, but thats conjecture. A dog. 40+ pounds of enraged muscle trying to install as many non-factory holes in as little time is the ticket. I have email news alerts, 5000 reward (not enough) police vow to catch blah blah. hopefully a couple of lesbian police officers with a history of excessive violent interactions with citizens will happen across this guy. OR.....that woman is in the "jersey family" and they'll handle it by night time.
  6. Royally messed up. I dont know if having a gun would have helped, this....person......just swarmed over the woman. I grew up with, and had till she passed last fall, a pitbull. great thing about a dog- (a real dog, not those shit fancy breeds) they are on 24/7/365, dont run out of gas, dont need a lock, dont need a clear line of sight and I'm unaware of any that were stolen and used against their owner.
  7. Heres a fact- NHS (national highway safety) stats indicate experienced offroad/dirt bike riders are UNDER represented in all fatals and all street bike accidents. They theorize offroad riders are more experienced at avoiding problems than the "death grip" and trying to ride it out.
  8. Medina

    Bike Raffle

    yeah, I mean selling, collecting, handing it in. i've done my fair share of that sort of thing, and while its rewarding in its own right, its typically under-appreciated. salute
  9. Medina

    Bike Raffle

    its a PITA doing this, thanks
  10. dont care they're chinese with non existent customer support and nearly impossible to title. I want a kikker 5150
  11. ding ding ding ^ Buy food and water purifiers and bullets
  12. http://morningjournal.com/articles/2013/06/25/news/doc51c9e9658f110667094938.txt Lorain..hot bed of blame (bath salts not included) And no......this isn't the other removal thread. yet.....both are from Ohio. Coincidence? I think not.
  13. You should see this cats website. Oh yes, no one looks THAT cool (yup, an 87) http://www.flickr.com/photos/atltattoo/with/901637989/
  14. Sounds like he bit off a bit more than he could chew. jus' sayin'
  15. Medina

    Bike Raffle

    I'll toss some at it, but like others need a bit more info, any links to previous raffles via news agencies, who donated the bikes, other sponsors etc? I got hosed once on a scam(and no way reflecting on this, merely my experiences), but I'm one lucky SOB, done well on many raffles, and thinking I'd look sexy on that trip color! I can live with the haters when I'm rollin' and I'm winnin'
  16. cool stuff, clever use of dead space
  17. Yup! Just found out my pal is working, bummer, but he's going to be working for his boss......who drives vintage sports cars....at Midohio, so this could be an interesting day. Long Live the Goldwing (for these days of hours on the superslab humping from one event to another)
  18. Accurately, ^ that I was shopping, and had decided on an ST1100, drove more than once a few hours to look-researched and saved....but even those, and Kaw Councours and Beemers lack the two up, long distance comfort. At the time I was riding a restored 86 KZ1100 with full factory Vetter (loved that bike) and she took a fancy to riding, that bike was really a touring bike I could push hard into the turns, but it really lacked when adding 100 pounds (her) and 10 pounds (our stuff) After lamenting, got a Goldwing- and I love it, but its no way a sporty bike, the GL1200 was the last of the still manageable wings. I would love some day to get a sport bike..I take long ass trips on it-often- and she goes -very often. she loves going. Just loves it, so, get her a bike, or find a vertical sitter with backrest. I shudder seeing some chic in shorts and sandals humped over clinging onto someone sitting on a crotch rocket. Next bike I get, when space is available, will likely go to a cafe project.
  19. Yup, figgered it out, I'm slow like that. I hope to go, so many variables, kids, work, weather. I've seen pics, it looks to be a weekend smothered in awesome.
  20. @gen3.......yeah, +1 No way I'd risk taunting that thing, it wasn't a loose pet, it was an f'ing wolf, and wolves live on the edge of nutterville regardless. It wasn't playing, it was hungry. Wolf, takes down Bison, figures buzzing shiny road runner might have edible parts on it cool link none the less!!
  21. question: maybe a stupid one; does everyone hug the yellow or white line when running back roads?
  22. Might be more princesses over here
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