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Status Updates posted by FourString

  1. They are not bad. I can teach you some cool shit if you ever want me to show you. Soldering boards is kinda fun.
  2. This cluster HAS to be repairable. I have worked on enough circuit boards that I should be able to figure it out.
  3. 436 visits eh? You are popular!
  4. Weeble wobbles wobble but they don't fall down.
  5. Fairly uneventful evening on CR.
  6. Happy Birthday dude.
  7. You're on here late.
  8. Why the hell? Now you have to pay out the ass in doctor bills. I told you I would've taken it off with bolt cutters for free! I would've even numbed it up for you with a hammer. I'm a NICE guy like that.
  9. So, did they take the toe off?
  10. Surgeried!? Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. (I'm continuing this here because my phone's signal strength is low.
  11. OK, what fewds do you have?
  12. I can has Mustang?
  13. Old school term for your "hoe". :D
  14. Speaking of...I need a new battle axe. The last one was fucking delusional. I got rid of her ass after she tried to make me her kid's new daddy. :gtfo:
  15. I can't tell you that. Kim Jong Il will behead me if I say anything.
  16. I'll answer it for ya. I'm a fuckin' undercover ninja.
  17. I know you are, but what am I?
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