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Status Updates posted by FourString

  1. Fack. I missed CR.


    Skewl > Me

  2. I REALLY need to get a nice camera. I saw a really amazing layout of the moon tonight that would've been perfect for a wallpaper. My camera(POS) only got a glimpse of a yellowish blur.
  3. Na-na na na na-na na, na-na na na na na-na.
  4. Oh OK. As soon as I get on the chatbox to talk, you log off. I will remember this.


    Fuck a rooster in the ear.

  5. Am I the only one who leaves you visitor messages?
  6. Come to Mid-Ohio. You know you want to.
  7. LOL! You are on CR more than I am.
  9. What is better? Whole, 2%, or skim?
  10. Might as well be you, right?
  11. Dunno why, but I have been listening to "Bartender" by T-Pain like it is going out of style soon.


    Yes, that was random.

  12. I dunno if that would be a girl I care to associate with :lol:


    ...or would I?

  13. How is that working out for ya?
  14. Sean, buddy I am sorry, but I HATE looking at it that way. lol
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