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Everything posted by FourString

  1. FourString


    Registered and paid. See you guys on the 25th.
  2. I fucking L O V E the Belvedere! I got started on cars by helping my best friend restore his 66 Belvedere back when we were in high school. Welcome to CR.
  3. I will be there for sure as long as I know 2 weeks in advance. Should be a bunch of fun.
  4. I've done 3 now. Not hard to do. You should be fine.
  5. That was great! Good driver.
  6. FourString

    Jury Duty

    http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e120/Sugarfuzz/X1.jpg http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e120/Sugarfuzz/X2.jpg
  7. Holy shit that is creepy! I did not even notice until you said that. Nice EM1! I love mine. Fun car! Good luck with the sale.
  8. Great video! Sounds like the dudes vagina hurt that his buddy got beaten by a DSM. *tear*
  9. FourString

    Jury Duty

    HA! Sucks for you boss.
  10. Looks clean. My 2nd Gen was the best F-Body I ever owned. Fun cars.
  11. FourString

    team jeep

    DIEHARD Jeep guy here! 94 YJ
  12. OOoOOoOohhhh great idea. I have also thought about putting a train horn for hornblasters in my Jeep. Lights+train horn=EPIC win.
  13. I was surprised to see Gojira on HBB before. I thought that they were to cool/unmainstream for MTV.
  14. I'll try to be there in the Talon instead of the VTAK mobile.
  15. Looks like every other car down here.
  16. I want a cat, but could never have one. An all black cat with yellow eyes would be awesome.
  17. Is that you and Johnny Tran!?!?! BWAAAHAHAHA
  18. Tokyo Drift would be hard to top for gheyness.
  19. I have to work, or I would come to this I am sure my brother will be there though.
  20. I am a Junior at SSU working on my Bachelors Degree in Mathematical Science. I also have a minor in Music. I will hopefully be going to OSU for my Masters in either Math or Physics.
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