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Everything posted by FourString

  1. AT&T is by far the best provider I've had yet and I've had all three.
  2. You are entirely too polite for CR.
  3. I should be there. Look for two fat guys in a slow Ford :gabe:
  4. That's a great bike. I think you would be very happy with it. Have you had the chance to ride one yet? If not, I highly encourage it. They are amazing.
  5. What the hell? I asked you last week if you would sell one of your .22 pistols and you said no. If everyone backs out somehow then consider it sold :/
  6. Alex should do this. Fuck the Supra.
  7. Holy damn. That might be fun.
  8. Okay, now that all of you apparently heavily tattooed elitest fucks are done whining, I'm actually completely serious; how much would something like that cost? I'm not a hardcore tattoo guy like most of you are, but I am curious to know how much a good quality tattoo runs. Do they go by size, time, color, all of these? Lastly, does it hurt? :gabe:
  9. I wonder if that hurt. That's a tender spot.
  10. I thought of you while I was watching this. :masturboy: heh
  11. Holy shit! How much would something like that cost?
  12. LOL! I thought it was funny. That's all that really matters.
  13. Well god damn! It's the first ever GM with a decent power to weight ratio :gabe:
  14. The first and only time you will ever be awakened by a female...
  15. A Calypso notch...my favorite Mustang. Bad ass build for sure.
  16. I've split several of those old tractors apart, but never like that
  17. I seem to remember you getting a lot of shit for how the Beetle sounds...
  18. Between the crazy suicidal drifting and this; I just wonder if these guys are like the Ken Blocks of the middle east, or just regular dudes out having fun.
  19. Hmmm, looking again I'm not completely confident. I'm not a dog expert by any means though.
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