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Everything posted by FourString

  1. I fail at the internet.
  2. Wow what a shame. I was just there a few years ago and I'm amazed at how much different the track looks now compared to the video.
  3. I think that would require it hitting 88 MPH...
  4. Yeah I was like "hey I've seen that car before somewhere..."


    You asking them to remove the picture?

  5. God damn fat people. I'm actually with Farkas on this one, I can't fucking stand fatties.
  6. 1963 Impala. That was my very first dream car *drool*
  7. :lolguy: I still love my old shit-hole of a town though.
  8. SEXY. I do like the red better though.
  9. I thought these pictures were too cool so I had to share. http://www.weather.com/travel/desolate-ghost-towns-20130618 If this is a repost, then crucify me. NFG
  10. Most comfortable car...of...all...time.
  11. Flake! Meh...it was okay. I'll rank it right up there with Chipotle for being the M O S T over-hyped food of all time, meaning, it was good, but nothing I will be sitting back craving in the future. Not a bad meal though. There is most definitely plenty of burger to be had. If someone leaves there hungry then they are likely fatter than I am (which is rare). I'm still on a search up here for a meal better than what I had at The Chophouse in Newark. So far, nothing I have had yet compares. I'm hoping to find a rival for it eventually.
  12. Good god this place is small. I might only have a table for four so one more can join.
  13. No problem Aaron! I've never been there yet so I'm ready to experience it. Brendan, see you there.
  14. The levels of rotary praising in this thread are too high for CR. Ease up guys.
  15. Doc, please sir, forgive me for not reading every CR post since I joined Mule Town had fairly slow dial-up until a few years ago, but once I finally got my DSL...:masturboy:
  16. Wait, so you're telling me that there are C&C cliques in Columbus? REALLY?
  17. Wait, is the Scirocco being sold here finally? If it is, I'm trading in the MS3 on an R model. I've been drooling over those for a few years.
  18. LINES. Though, I love me some old AMC sexiness.
  19. Do you have a manual transmission? If so, keep in mind that you may be experiencing throw-out bearing noise. There are several things that it could be, but I'm just throwing this into the mix for consideration.
  20. Sounds like a good time to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  21. I just went to breakfast a little bit ago. It was almost noon when I ate. I had a cheeseburger and fresh-cut french fries. My drink of choice was water. Thinking about it, I suppose you could say it was more of a brunch. I enjoyed my meal, and Granville is quite nice. A+ for The Aladdin.
  22. I'll probably be there in my new daily driver.
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