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Status Updates posted by FourString

  1. Hey thanks Mitch :)
  2. All your weight, it falls on me, it brings me down.
  3. I'm not even kidding.
  4. Hey keep me updated with what you find when you tear that motor down. I am interested to know what failed (although it seems obvious).
  5. Yeah I will be out. I will be autocrossing and getting a few road course events in this season. Obviously, I will make it to some night events too.
  6. Sell this damn thing for me!
  8. Did you know that I was going to type this reply?
  9. I am unpredictable.
  10. I just had a tall glass of skim milk.
  11. HA! I see what you did there.
  12. Heh...you said taint.
  13. You are a vagina. An unused vagina at that.
  14. I'll eat Dave. Careful.
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