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Posts posted by Gunner75

  1. Motorbike rider fakes injury to cause red flag

    A motorbike rider bizarrely faked injury in an attempt to stop a race after he crashed and could not get his bike restarted.

    Marlinton dos Reis Teixeira, known by his nickname 'Kalunga', slid on a corner in rainy conditions during the Rio Grande do Sul State Moto Grand Prix in Brazil, causing his bike to stall.

    Kalunga failed to get his bike to start and was losing valuable time. He then walked to the middle of the track and threw himself on the ground pretending to be badly injured in an attempt to get the race red-flagged.

    Several riders passed their stricken competitor before some eventually stopped to give assistance.

    Kalunga was placed on a stretcher and put in the back of an ambulance.

    The MotoRacing Association of Rio Grande do Sul State later found out about Kalunga's apparent fake injury and banned the rider from the championship.


  2. I think it's more of a "non-existent" parents. Having a dad around in the black community is fucking rare.

    Of course, somehow, that's my fault as a white guy.

    LOL well thats what i was getting at. Very seldom is there a father and when there is they the ones ive seen, either beat the shit outta the kids, or they are too drunk, or fried to give a shit

  3. Couple of years ago i sold a custom pc on CL for $1800. I got a reply from a guy in atlanta saying he was interest but that he would have to have it shipped. When asked how he wanted to pay for it and he said via a cashiers check. (First red flag.) I gave my my mailing address which was a po box. 4 days latrr i get a big manila envelope with a cashiers check for $3500 instructing me to cash it then keep the $1800 for myself and then send tbe rest via a wire transfer to someone in atlanta. ( second red flag) When i look at the check it was drawn on an account from michigan. (Third flag.) I decided to call the bank that it was drawn on to verify the funds were available. Sure enough when i had given them the account number they immediately transfered me to their fraud department. Seems a bank emplyee had stolen a check ledger from one of their wealthy customers and was scamming people left and right. I ended up forwarding all the items i got in the mail as well as all the email chats we had to the bank firm. 2 weeks later i got a call from the bank saying they used my evidence as well as others to track the guy down in atlanta and have him arrested for identity theft and a whole list of federal charges. Sadly the original account owner never offered a reward.

    sent from my galaxy s 3 using tapatalk

  4. Im down for this. Ill take a vacation day for this since i need to burn them anyways. Ill leave the house around 830-9am and just head straight to Newark. Its roughly a little less then 2 hours. I might even decide to meet the rest of yall around Comp Acc.

  5. Well in the past ive been told that Kangaroo when it gets wet it tends to fall apart more readily then cowhide. Now as i said this was a few years ago, 2005 if i remember right.

    As far as the S&S gear im a huge fan of it all as it seems to be priced better and offer as good of protection as other competitors. I Like the styling of their gear, and all my current gear is all S&S gear, cept for my riding jeans, those are Cortech DSX riding jeans. Ive contemplated looking at a full suit since I really want to do a track day next year at Mid Ohio, im just trying to convince my wife into allowing me to spend the cash. So far Ive added up at least 1500, thats including the suit and a hotel for the weekend. Thats not counting the cost of tires and if anything breaks.

  6. I was coming into Sidney the other day on St Rt 29 doing around 60mph, as im passing the low income housing unit, i believe its called Hill top, a douchwaffle in a purple dodge caravan pulled out on me, I swearved and passed him fine, i did give him the single finger salute as i passed. Well he decided to tail gate me at less then 6 feet as i was unable to see his headlights in my mirror and all i could see was the center of his grill and hood. As i come to the stop light at Brooklyn Ave I was close to the center line and he moves up next to me on the right. Hes cussing me out and said I had plent of time to slow, I turned to him, opened the face on my helmet and told him, im sure glad I wasnt his kid, because one of these days hes gonna see his father get the shit kicked out of him, or he was gonna see his father get arrested for wreckless op or vehicular man slaughter. Thats when he starts to reach out the window at me as the light turned green. I pulled off and the guy decided to follow me screaming at me, tailgating, and honking his horn.

    I road around the square 2 times waiting for a cop to show up and sure enough right on cue, I turned onto south ohio and a cop pulls in back of him. We get to the light the guy is still pulling the same shit on me, the cop pulled up next to me and asked me what the problem was, i stated to the the cop what had happened, he had me pull off in a parking lot and had the guy follow. The dumbass decides hes going to admit to what he did and admitted that he had grabbed for me. Cop asked me if i wanted to press charges for assault and threats. I told him no all i wanted to do was to continue on my ride and so i did. I seen the guy about 2 hours later he gave me the finger and shouted something about a wreckless op ticket.

  7. I wouldnt go with it as kangaroo leather doesnt stand up as well when it gets wet, so if you ride in the rain it might not stand up as well as cowhide. course that was years ago and im sure changes in the process have made it more durable. big advantage it has is itll be lighter then standard leather

    Im really looking at the Speed and Strength Twist of Fate 2.0 suit. really nice price if you do the home work on the different sites.

  8. See the name drop was to just verify validity do my statement. Most people know him since hes been a shelby county sherrif for 35+ years. That was all. and in my post youll see where the state trooper i spoke with from piqua told me its all up to the cop that stops me if he wants to drop me a ticket or not that its totally up to him. 9 times out of 10 when i ride at night my leds are on solid verses fading in and out. Considering my step dads goldwing has over 1000 blue LEDs that are on when his starts up and he rides its wing to work daily and has since he got it in 2008. Hes never been stopped other then for one of the sherriffs to admire his wing.

  9. Back when i was considering LEDs on my 650 i decided to go to the local LEOs Sidney City Police shift Supervisor, Shelby County Sherrif Rich Wade(my cousin), and Piqua post State Trooper Shift supervisor. I asked all three the same question and even showed them the LEDs on my dads Valkyrie. They all three stated that they can no recall any state code that says accent lighting was illegal. They did say that if i went with red, I was not allowed to have the light source facing forward and under no circumstances are they allowed to flash in a strobe like fashion. I also inquried as to color restrictions and The police and sherrif stated they did not know of any color restriction, the Trooper said there wasnt one, but he advised against using blue since that is the color all the state trooper cars are going with, and if a LEO wanted to be a dick they could issue a ticket for it. They all did agree that with anything that if a LEO wanted they could pull me over because they didnt like what they saw and tell me to turn them off.

    In the end i have ridden many times with them on solid, and with them on in a fading in and out fashion and have had many cops roll by me and comment on how good they looked. Not once have i been pulled over and told to turn them off.

    EDIT: I would reccommend turning them off whenever you cross into another state as i have been told on other forums they are illegal for use while moving in Kentucky and in Michigan. I reccommend checking local laws first.

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  10. lol ya know when i took that pic i thought to myself that it looks like it had just taken a piss.

    What happened was when we worked up the exhaust i had built my buddy nicked the radiator hose just above the engine mount. We didnt realize it was cut till after i brought it home. A new hose was like 12 bucks and a wait of 3-4 days. I went to napa and asked for a 8 inch 3/4 inner diameter hose with a 90 degree bend close to the end. Cost me 5 bucks. Its a tougher and ticker hose then the stock. And worked great.

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