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Posts posted by Gunner75

  1. If i remember right this was discussed at length awhile back between some friends of mine. It was determined that explosives such as a flashbang which can cause fires if it has an incendiary core is not legal. I could be wrong but I would confirm that through your local leo office. I do know to wire up your car handle to shock someone when they put a hand on it is illegal as it constitutes as assault. I thought about trying something similar and when I ran the idea past a relative in law enforcement he advised against it due to the above reason.

  2. Please explain why i am a noob because i believe in the constitution?

    I find it asinine that a few of you are basically spitting on the constitution. The second amendment affords the right to bare arms. For government agencies to come out and try to justify taking them away is a violation of those rights

    sent from my galaxy s 3 using tapatalk

  3. Im thinking of going on a ride this weekend back down to the hocking area. Either Saturday or Sunday this week. Weather says its gonna be close to 70 both days with a chance of rain on saturday. I would rather prefer sunday to be honest, then my buddy Rick from Zanesville can join us. If anyone is serious let me know so we can set it up. Id like to get to Zanesville around 12noon, then head out from there.

  4. I put a total of 365 miles on my 650 when i got home at 730. Had a great time, was great meeting some of the faces on the forums, course i can only remember 5 or 6 of yalls handles lol.

    I hope there is a spring ride down that way next year, as well as a couple of summer rides.

  5. Ive not used the iphone other then a few minutes but i love my GS3. My battery lasts about a day day and a half, depending on how often i use it to check facebook and the forums here. Ive not seen any issues with ICS yet, havent had to restart mine since i got it 2 weeks ago. I have mine rooted to allow for wifi tethering on my laptop. The international version of the GS3 is a quad core. and Jelly Bean is slated for release sometime this month.

  6. So i am sitting here watching videos on youtube of bikers recording cops when they get stopped. Its always with an action camera, and the cops 9 times out of 10 want the recording to stop. They usually site the state wiretapping laws as to why they shouldnt be recorded. Now I am curious as to whats the interpretation of the law in ohio. Is it legal, illegal, what? The reason why i ask is well the way our laws are written make no damn sense.

    ORC2933.52, Sec. B-4 states recording is legal as long as one party consents to the surveillance and does not intend to use the footage to commit a criminal offense or other injurious act.

    Does this mean that if im pulled over in my personal vehicle and i have my camera with me i can use it to record the situation? Do i have to notify the cop that i am recording the situation with video and audio? Do i have to turn the camera off if he/she asks me to do so? If I am asked to stop recording and the cop decides to give me a hard time and arrest me base on the ORC, or the federal wiretapping laws do they have legal weight to do so?

    Im really not trying to be difficult but since i ride with my Contour Roam on my helmet with a secondary audio mic thats pretty sensitive this is something that i am curious of. One day I will probably get pulled over when the camera is running.

  7. The local channel here Whio is usually pretty accurate with their forecast and their futurecast is usually spot on. Its saying that the rain will be cleared out of the area by 10am. Saturday but there could be stray pop ups towards the south. Gonna be chilly mid 50's could go higher if the sun comes out more.

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